Friday, October 27, 2023

(#5381) Not getting ready for work this morning is nice

      I know that I need to work and that is ok by me. But waking up on a day off is special. I don't have to get up except for my animals who remind me that they have a schedule and I am not on time. So up I get and take care of them then the rest of the time like this morning is mine. I am sitting here at my desk writing this blog post without a time constraint like I usually have on my workdays. I can write this post over several hours if I wanted to but that isn't how I roll. I am a bit ordered in my activities so procrastinating is rarely something I do. Speaking of procrastinating, I find doing it makes me feel somewhat anxious so the better of me gets me to do whatever task needs doing without delay.
     So instead of focusing on getting out the door this morning and out into traffic to head to work, I am thinking about when I will go back to bed and return to sleep for an hour or so just because I can. It is only 6 am now so sleeping another hour or so would put me right in the middle of the morning on any other normal day. In fact I think I have decided to do just that. Now all I need to do is finish this blog post and get it out into the ether. Well, I am still drinking my morning half caf coffee but that won't take long to finish since it is cooling as I type and I want it hot or at least warmer than colder. Ok, coffee just got slugged down so nothing stopping me from ending this post and shuffling off for some more sleep.
     It is a privilege for me to have choices that I can choose that make me happy at the thought of them. Even the simplest of choices are welcomed like choosing to sleep again for a bit. Life can be that simple for the most of us who are not actively protecting and defending our freedoms. I somehow feel a bit guilty being able to choose to sleep a bit while others in the world are fighting every minute of their lives just to stay alive. I guess I can look at it this way, they are fighting to have the right to go back to sleep if they choose on their day off so my example is just something for them to reinforce their own reasoning to fighting tyranny and defending democracy.

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