Wednesday, October 4, 2023

(#5358) I appreciate me

      It doesn't seem to matter to many people that when you do them a solid favor they just expect it. I suppose not acknowledging such things is part of who they are or what they have become but it is a bit irritating to those who like me are left with no thanks. I admit that it does rankle me just a little bit but then it goes away and I pat myself on my own back for a job well done. This little process of mine seems to do the trick as I am ready afterwards to do another favor when the correct opportunity arrives. Now I don't encourage behavior that is less than desired but then again I can only control that which I institigate.
     To live a life of example is lonely at times thus the occasional hope that someone would say thanks for me going beyond the norm for them. Yet living life as an example of how life should be lived is greater than my own place in it. I do matter but really not as much as the principles that guide my life. There is honor in all positive things done with the correct attitude and the willingness to be humble in the doing of them. I know this and it is the salve that keeps me level headed despite my human emotions. I am not an automaton so emotions are part of my make up. Even seeing the bigger picture sometimes is not enough to placate the feeling of not being appreciated.
     I am in a mood this morning and this post is a reflection of that. I know my attention to a slight is underwhelming as a subject and there are greater worries in the world than hurt feelings but dealing with those hurt feelings and putting them into a perspective that moves us beyond them is no slight accomplishment. It is kind of cool how these odd different subjects come across my mental screen and form themselves into a discussion I have primarily with myself then anyone who may read this and that is somewhat cathartic. Keeping the smile on my face and a good healthy a attitude starting each day is more than just trivial to me.

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