Thursday, October 5, 2023

(#5359) Wearing down physically but my spirit remains high

      It seems that with age I am getting more responsibility not less. I guess it is because I am aware that my time in this existence is closer to being over than when I started. That is fine with me since I had long ago rectified it with myself that I could not change the physics of this reality in my short lifetime. My body is wearing down and now that I am working 40 hours a week in a job that has me doing enough physical labor to justify the wearing down I am really very sore in every part of myself. I also am taking care of the needs of my brother who is in hospice care while keeping my home running somewhat efficiently, along with caring for my 4 animals.
     Despite all of this though I still wake up early in the morning and get myself ready to launch into my day. It is because I still like being alive and although it is somewhat a drudgery at the moment the overall picture is still encouraging. Even the drudgery part of my days seem to be lessening as my body gets closer to acclimating to a new schedule. From working part time as a driver to working full time as basically a custodian of a large indoor storage unit the transition is not easy for this 68 year old man. It isn't just my age that I bring to my duties it is all the wear and tear I had previously from the rugged work, to name a few,, underground miner, residential and industrial framer, and tree logger, I was involved in previously in my life.
     I am at a point now in my life where the wisdom of my experiences is beginning to play out in a much more efficient and timely way. I do things smarter and with less effort as is possible. This helps me keep my mental health invigorated because to me there is little better in life than a job well done in an environment that I get to design. Where I can utilize my diminishing physicality through smart planning I can prolong my slowing closing work career with a modicum of pride and accomplishment. To me there is nobility in all honest work and as long as I do my part and not harm myself in the process I will keep being happy as my days in the workforce continue.

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