Thursday, December 31, 2020

5 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4352)

      The early voting has concluded in Fulton county on Wednesday, the largest and most heavily democratic county in the state. For almost all the rest of the counties in Georgia early voting ends this Thursday evening. That still leaves ballots from mail in voting still to be filled out, sent, and counted as well as the final day of voting on January 5th. Yesterday marked the beginning of the end of early voting for these two crucial senate seats so if you haven't voted yet there is still time today in most all other counties excepting Fulton, Henry, Pickens, and Upson counties. Plus election day on this coming Tuesday.
     Over 2.5 million have already cast ballots shattering the old record for a runoff election but not as large of an early turnout as the just concluded general election. Still though the turnout is remarkable and gives democrats hope since many democratic leaning counties are turning out in large numbers. The black vote has also been turning out in larger percentages than in the general election from last month so far. But turnout is going to be the key to capturing these two senate seats. So today needs to be a large turnout for all the counties still early voting today. The mail in ballots have been returned at a rate of over 60% so far and that number needs to continue to climb.
     Overall the chances are still looking good for a democratic sweep of these seats but no rest for anyone until after the very last second of voting. Our enthusiasm is high on the democratic side and hopefully that will translate into a massive voting output. This is it folks, the last hope of saving a good progressive future is riding on what happens in the next 5 days so do all you can to help make this runoff election a masterpiece stroke of good fortune for all Americans, even those who are working against it will benefit. We have to carry this load all the way through the finish line and then take a few more strides to be sure. Leave no doubt as to your intentions if you are a voter in Georgia who has not yet voted. Do not get caught being on the outside looking in when all you have to do is make the effort to vote.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

6 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4351)

      The same scenario as with last month's overall general election is playing out in Georgia for these senate runoffs. Big early turnout for democrats who then need to hold off the large expected turnout of republicans on election day January 5th. The dynamics have changed a bit though as several factors are at play now that weren't back in November. First the republican party is bickering within it's ranks over whether they should vote in the special election or not. As well these two senate runoff elections will determine the leadership of the senate at a time when the current republican leadership of the senate is making a mess of more stimulus cash that could be given to over 120 million Americans.
     There are other factors as well like the knowledge that republicans, who lost the presidential election total, did much better in the senate races vote totals last November. Also at play is the ground game there in Georgia. Last month was unprecedented in getting out the vote and it worked very well. This month the ground game is even more intense in the face of the high stakes involved with these two senate seats. Already these runoff elections have set an all time record for turnout for a runoff election in Georgia and that is good. The money being spent in these two senate runoffs is ridiculously extreme for a state wide runoff election with as of yet determined effect.
     One thing in favor of democrats that isn't being discussed is the Biden effect. He has been consistent in his statements that he will be president to all Americans. His goal is to bring us together in all the areas where we can agree and get things done. That may well convince some republicans in Georgia that the better paradigm would be for Biden to have a senate where he can get bills passed into law that won't be obstructed by a mcconnell led senate. So if more republicans vote for the democratic senate candidates than democrats voting for republican candidates the difference may be enough to get both democrats elected. Two more years of getting nothing done under a mcconnell led senate is just too much for too many of us to endure.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

7 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4350)

     7 days left to make sure that Joe Biden has a clear path toward implementing his policies without republican obstruction. We already know that Joe will have built into his policies compromises for republicans to welcome but if we don't retake the senate none of that will matter. I am of two minds of Joe being so accommodating toward republicans especially since they have not been accommodating to we democrats when they have had sweeping power. It is like playing nice with a bully when you have the ability to end the bullying ways. We democrats are a little bit too nice to people who intentionally hurt us and that must stop! On the other hand we are all in this together so being conciliatory is a human response.
     My best inkling toward which side to embrace is to be less accommodating to those who least appreciate it and more accommodating to those who returned us to power. To the victor goes the spoils is a well worn axiom. Yet being benevolent to some degree is an intelligent leadership position. We are all in this together is a fact but not as to how to go forward. There are too many who would have destroyed our democracy to get their way so their input into how we proceed as a nation, to me, is irrelevant. Those of us who follow the pursuit of happiness egalitarian form of society don't need to abdicate any redefining to those who would have taken our democracy away.
     So our agenda as democrats is highlighted in our party platform, Making our platform come to life is our goal despite and wailing from those who are now out of power and indifferent to the many of us is moot. So my advice to Joe when we win these 2 Georgia US Senate seats is to move forward with a clear mind and heart toward completing our party platform promises as that is the correct path forward. The republican party will have it's chance to critique our methods and progress come the next election but for now a majority of our nation is ready to follow the blueprint of our democratic national committee platform and make as much of it a reality as possible over the next 2 years.

Monday, December 28, 2020

8 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4349)

      Well trump finally signed the small Covid relief stimulus bill into law yesterday evening so there is that. I can just imagine that mcconnell was in his ear tirelessly trying to get him to help republican candidates in Georgia with his signature. The thing is though that despite mcconnells one sided reason for signing the relief bill, the American people are hurting and that is the real reason for trump to relent and sign the bill into law. He could have done this days ago therefore getting help to the American people sooner but that isn't the natural way for republicans. They are in a constant mode of proving that they are an uncaring, irrational  subset of human beings.
     So signing this bill into law will help republican leaders with their voters in Georgia but not for long. Today the Democratically controlled House will vote to increase the one time payment of $2,000 that trump had held the bill up for and it will pass today. Then it goes to the Senate where currently the republicans control that chamber and the House bill will be fortunate to get a vote. Because republicans have vowed to block it. Once again republicans will prove that they are an uncaring, irrational, subset of human beings. It is difficult to even describe republicans as human since my blog is about the true nature of humanity, which is curiosity and compassion.
     In conjunction with the inhumanity displayed by republicans, our citizenry still has the curse of them on us. So until we strike them from our leadership positions we will, on whole, continue to suffer the indignity of being less than human for years to come. In curiosity we find a yearning to learn and understand which is not a republican trait. In compassion we find empathy and endearment that if ever existed in republicans is no more. They are the worst of what humanity has become without redemptive value unless remorse exposes itself from them. I am always willing to forgive those who have found themselves on the wrong track and can find their way back but not as a blanket forgiveness for a subset group who has yet to even admit they are lost.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

9 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4348)

      We are getting to it folks. There is little time left to make sure you have voted in the Georgia runoff elections. Now more than ever Georgians should be able to see the difference in the parties approach to the working middle poor class. We democrats want to help our citizenry while the republicans are seriously trying to hurt our citizenry. These two senate seats should not even be close in the vote total if Georgians would vote for what is in their own and our nation's best interest. The outright disdain the republican party is showing the world is not an illusion, it is real and hurting desperate parents and children. The audacity it takes to watch tens of millions of Americans begging for food and shelter is beyond any normalcy!
     I an appalled at what has become of the republican party and at the voters who keep it alive. What type of person is so uncaring for the suffering being inflicted on others by republican politicians? Why would anyone vote for a republican party that has nothing but bad intent for our citizenry? The shame I feel over the makeup of our morality and ethics here in America is reaching new depths. I used to think that when given the facts of things people would do the correct thing most every time. But that isn't what I think anymore. What I think is that too many people hate people who are not like themselves. They have foregone the ideal of the melting pot concept that built our nation.
     The false narrative that we are a white christian nation is at the heart of the hate and if anyone can logically tell me why too many of us follow that false dichotomy I would be shocked. Because there is no logic to it. It is just pure hatred of others manifested as an acceptable behavior. I don't see how this ends well for many of us and instead I see how it ends badly for most of us. The crushing effect of republicans letting our economy and, by extension, our society self destruct is perhaps enough to make republican voters in Georgia back away from the republican party and give their assent to we democrats who are ready and able to salvage what is left of America and put her back together again.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

10 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4347)

      More than 1/4 of the eligible Georgia voters have already voted. Which is a bit more than 2 million cast ballots. If we get to 5 million cast ballots overall, like in the general election, then the prospects of we democrats winning these two senate seats is improved. With less than that we are not as well situated to win unless the usual republican base has been convinced to stay home. I would not count on that despite all the noise from a divided republican party. But a wild card here is the stimulus and what will happen if two democratic senators are elected. Surely the republican base has to be considering this as a republican majority would make a hefty stimulus package impossible.
     Sometimes feeling really desperate economic pressures will make one reconsider their options in life, especially an option that is just 10 days away. For the rest of us democrats and like minded independents the choice is really not a choice. We know that our incoming president will be thwarted at every turn despite the best intentions of our incoming president. The republican party will do one thing only and that is destroy our decisive election victory of last month over the next 2 years if they hold the senate. Which is why we cannot let them! Our base has to vote like it is even worse than trump staying in power. Because the effect of a republican controlled senate will be huge losses by we democrats in the 2022 midterm elections.
     If we democrats do not control the senate in 10 days then the republican party will win the 2022 midterms and then have both the House and the Senate and our president will be left with getting nothing done at all. That it had to come down to this is regrettable but not undoable. We lost some senate seats we should have won in last month's general election but by winning these 2 senate seats in Georgia we will have accomplished the effect of a mandate that cannot be misunderstood. We will never be able to correct the flaws in our constitution until we have democratic control of our government. Taking private money out of politics is a must and then making registering to vote, simple and easy, as a federal law.

Friday, December 25, 2020

11 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4346)

      A quiet day I suppose for politics but knowing trump he will not be quiet today. Because he does not like being upstaged by anyone or anything. That is a fact. But regardless of his bombastic noise, I just don't listen. I have found that my sanity is safer when I block him out. I have spent four years keeping his image, voice, and words to as close to zero in my life as possible. Nothing he says is noteworthy to me. Now I do listen to others who report on his actions and behaviors but that is only because I need to stay up with current events. I am a political junkie of sorts but only because we all don't vote democratic.
     I would rather be doing most anything else that would be beneficial to our species. Yet here I am doing a daily blog post about politics or in the case of this day, the lack thereof. As to the Georgia US Senate races, they are still on track with the general election of last month as to turnout. One thing I have gleaned from reporting and actually looking at the county map of Georgia as to voter participation up to last night, is that the counties that went heavily for Biden are also getting their votes in at a greater rate than those other counties. Which doesn't confirm anything but it does give me hope that our base is turning out at a greater rate than the republicans.
     So although once again we democrats may be slightly leading in the early vote totals it doesn't mean much if republicans are going to turn out in the same manner on the runoffs election day that they turned out on the presidential election day. I somewhat don't think that their enthusiasm is as great now as it was then but never underestimate an opponent so we need all our voters to come out and vote after today going forward so that we can have the best shot of winning both Georgia runoff senate seats. The polls keep showing a tight race so no matter what, turnout will determine the winners so we must turn out more than they do, period!

Thursday, December 24, 2020

12 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4345)

      The last poll I saw had both our democratic candidates ahead in their races. Yet as we know from polling it is inaccurate to some degree. But if I had my druthers I would rather be ahead in polling than to be behind in polling. So take that for a little bit of good news anyway. Nearly 1.9 million have already early voted as of yesterday so it is still looking like the general election mostly as to how early voting is going. 12 days now left until we get to the decisive day where every eyeball with a brain behind it will be watching the numbers coming from Georgia. It is welcoming to me that a quirk in the primary process that until lately has favored republicans has come back to bite them.
     Runoff elections should not be allowed anywhere as the majority vote getter should be voted in whether they reach a 50% threshold or not. Yet the South has mostly kept the 50% threshold out of some tradition that originally secured for them white leadership. The runoff paradigm along with the electoral college needs to be laid to rest on the discarded pile of antiquity. One vote one voice should always be the norm when it comes to elections. Democracy, as a simple expression, demands it. No shenanigans should be inserted into our elections. Yet ranked choice is becoming popular as a way to keep the 50% threshold alive and that should not continue either.
     The simplest form of democracy should never have to give way to a complicated version when the simple formula is based upon one vote one voice. For the moment I am thankful for the runoff system but going forward it should be dispensed forthwith. The will of our voters whether it be in state races or national races, should always come first without a handicap like the electoral college or runoff election to be manipulated and abused. We are an egalitarian society in theory and until we put it into practice it will always be just a theory. The truth of things are reality, not the idea of them. I hope we democrats keep doing well in these two runoff elections and if they get us to a majority then, under these rules, we will take it.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

13 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4344)

      22% of eligible Georgia voters have already cast ballots with 13 days left until the actual election day. That is a good sign but not the best it could be so hopefully we will see a larger turnout by the end of the week despite christmas happenings. Like I keep saying, there is nothing more important in our nation right now than those two runoff elections. I can only sound the alarm about voters voting in Georgia as I cannot vote not being a Georgian. So it is all up to those in Georgia who want to have a better outcome to their lives and by extension, ours. 13 days is not a lot of time to get the vote in but it is a enough for all of us who want a better senate to get our votes in.
     We who are advocating for a better senate must make the case that with republicans blocking most everything in the senate over the next two years is a hellish vision for our future. We must also make the case that with democrats leading the senate the vision for our future is much more rosy with help for the working middle poor class being advanced. Most all of us are in the working middle poor class so this should resonate with those in Georgia as a value for them to vote accordingly. There is no tome for voting along traditional lines. The voting has to be done according to policies that either help or hurt. We who want a change in the senate must make sure that the Georgia voters clearly understand this.
     Now with trump demanding that a $2,000 stimulus be given to all eligible citizens the pressure will soon be on mcconnell to either advance the House attempt to add it to the Covid-19 bill or to negate it as an option. To add it to the House attempt would make it possible through the Covid-19 bill. To negate it should make all Georgians who would then be denied that $2,000 a bit angrier at what the republican leadership in the senate has done for them thus making the idea of a change in the senate leadership much more palatable. We are in fast changing times right now so we democrats and like minded independents need to be able to tailor our message to fit the changing narratives.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

14 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4343)

      The early voting has slowed from it's initial rush and now we will see how much so over the next few days. The numbers are still on pace to reflect the vote from last month but it is early still and not at all a sure thing. I am concerned about whether the Georgia republican governor is as steadfast in making sure every vote counts as he was in the general election but that also will be seen. Otherwise, the battle for votes continues and hopefully we democrats are getting our point across to all democratic and like minded independent voters that these runoff elections are as crucial as anything in life right now.
     I am still confounded by how so many folks can still vote republican when everything around us is falling apart because of republican uncaring. Deaths and chronic health issues are mounting yet it doesn't seem to faze the republican voter. Nor does helping to restore the economic vitality of our nation matter to them. What are they about and how can they see themselves as decent and honorable? There is no scenario where they are to be admired so what is it that they are about? I will not try to search the archives of my own mind to try to rationalize them because it would be a fools errand and I am no fool. Yet there has to be a break in the dam of ignorance as it pertains to republican voters.
     Despite the intransigence of the republican voter in Georgia to understand their illogical conclusions, we democrats and like minded independents must exercise our right to vote no matter the difficulty. When we all vote we have a shot at defeating the republican obstruction to a better society. The future of our nation is on the line here and there can be no acceptable excuse to not voting in this runoff election. Two weeks to go before we know the shape of our democracy. Will it be a floundering one with republicans blocking legislation in the senate or will it be a prosperous one where majority democrats in the House and Senate pass legislation that improves our lives while safeguarding our democracy.

Monday, December 21, 2020

15 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4342)

      As we can clearly see now that a deal has been reached for somewhat Covid-19 stimulus relief, the difference between what the republicans accepted and what we democrats offered was less than 3 times the amount of help we democrats tried to get passed back in May with the Heroes Act. Instead the Heroes Act sat at republican mcconnell's desk gathering dust. This is why we need to win these two senate seats in Georgia. If we want timely legislation aimed at helping the majority of our nation then vote for both democrats so that we can become the majority in the senate. It isn't just about the stimulus either. There are other legislative solutions that can be achieved with a democratic led senate.
     The improvement of health care. The beginning of infrastructure repair and replacement. A green jobs revolution as to creating a million or more jobs upgrading to Earth friendly policies. We do want to save our planet from the climate change crisis don't we? As well as raising the minimum wage. Increasing opportunity for college for all Americans. Unburdening students from onerous student loans. Creating an immigration plan that outlines the best of who we Americans are. I cannot list all the areas in our society that need attention that republicans have purposely avoided. So voting for both democrats over the next 15 days will get us back to solving problems instead of ignoring them.
     I cannot say in mere words just how important it is that all democrats come out to vote for these two democratic senate candidates. There is nothing on the planet more important, nothing! Georgia we, the rest of our nation, need your help and the only one who can help us is you. There is plenty of time left to make a plan and either return your mail in ballot or get to an early polling place to cast a ballot. If those two options don't work for you then do all you can to get to your regular polling place on election day and vote for both of these democrats. It is an imperative and if it becomes a reality, Georgians will have forever risen to the top of what it is to be a caring noble American.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

16 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4341)

      I am hoping that the total early votes cast will be closer to the total votes cast last month in the presidential election. Nearly 5 million votes were cast in Georgia last month and right now there are over 1.3 million early votes cast so far in these senate runoffs. The holiday season may interfere with a consistent voting procession so unless there are some heavy voting days ahead before the early voting session ends we are not likely to reach that threshold of nearly 5 million. I am still hopeful that Georgians will see their duty to vote in these runoff elections as greater than any festivities that may interfere.
     I personally do not hold to the holidays as some ritual because I am not from the make believe or myth crowd. Yet I know how important the symbolism of it all is to many others. So for me every day on this planet is special and exciting without the banter of seasonal mores. Hopefully those who are of a different mindset on traditions than I can as well be of the same mindset as I with regard to voting for our government and it's manifest destiny. Our democracy does not take a day off nor does it relax to some form of comfort. It is vibrant and tense in every counted moment so the duty we have to it does not accept excuses nor indifference toward it.
     By my figuring there are about 14 days left of early voting either by mail or in person. So all of us must make the effort to spend what little time is required to vote in order for our democracy to have it's best outcome. I have said this many times over the course of my life and it is this, our duty to vote is our greatest ally in how we can perceive our future and the future of our species. The uniqueness of our society here in America is that despite the antiquated electoral college, we have a system of government that is both alive and evolving. Our beloved constitution is our source for maintaining and growing our opportunities for living and pursuing happiness as our enlightenment dictates. Let us make sure to keep it's honor high within our lives and vote as is our right.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

17 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4340)

      I had thought that after the election the pressure would be off on the many of us who were worried trump would blow up our nation. Well not quite yet. He has let putin cyber attack us with no protection nor condemnation. 32 days left of trump and what will he do to us before he leaves either under his own power or under escort? All this from trump is just another example of why we need those 2 Georgia senate seats. His followers in the senate are happy enough to do trump's bidding after he is deposed from office so the less influence republicans have in the senate the less trouble and obstruction they can mount under the Biden administration.
     These runoffs are now showing themselves to being a referendum on the Biden presidency and the funny thing is Biden hasn't even taken office yet. But if we want to help our working middle poor class these two senate seats must be won by our democratic candidates. If we want a far superior control over the pandemic and all of it's difficulties we need a democratic senate. If we want to make our citizens as whole as we can from the effects of this republican caused out of control virus spiral then these two democratic candidates must be elected.
     The stark nature of the difference between a democratic senate and a republican senate is that no help will come from republicans to get our nation back on a healthy track. While we democrats will do nothing but get our nation back on a healthy track. To vote for both democrats in Georgia is to vote for a clean and healthy future. I hope the voting electorate in Georgia is being given as much of this truth as humanly possible. The time to get this correct is now as no other expected possibility exists. Everything we do for the next 17 days must center and focus deeply on this senate runoff and electing democratic candidates. The highest priority is in front of us and we must achieve the solution that will best fulfill our common  necessary needs.

Friday, December 18, 2020

18 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4339)

      So far, as of this morning in this early voting period, 914,097 voters have voted already. This is 12% of all registered voters in Georgia. In person votes have now surpassed mail in votes as of yesterday, 486,970 to 427,127. Which to me shows an eagerness to vote. Why you may ask? Because if it were still mail in votes leading the way, because only over a million mail in ballots were requested, the conclusion would be less enthusiasm in the overall voting electorate to get out and early vote in person. We democrats need as much enthusiasm as we can get given the historical voting nature of Georgia and and the inconsistent voting nature of we democrats.
     So the more in person early votes that are cast the better for Georgia to have a large turnout. Of course we need to keep getting the mail in ballots until they reach or nearly reach the request amount. Then on the actual election day every democrat and like minded independent who hasn't yet voted needs to get to their voting district and cast their ballots. The actual voting should go quickly as there are only a few choices on the ballot to mark. I know it is a lot to ask of Georgians to carry this load of getting out and voting again just so soon after the general election last month but the cost of not doing so will be felt for years in a detrimental way if they don't.
     The time is getting short and we need to make sure that the more than 7 million eligible Georgian voters understand the critical nature of these runoff elections. I have no doubt that the information is getting out there as 100's of millions of dollars are being spent in the usual campaign advertising ways but also the ground swell of folks who are advocating for their candidates has been inundating Georgia. Activists all across the state are contacting potential voters to at least let them know what the stakes are and will be if they vote or don't vote. Each Georgian will make up their own minds so it is also critical that they have the best truthful and factual information to do just that.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

19 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4338)

     Nearly 10% of all eligible Georgia voters have already voted. We still have 16 days more of early voting, both in person and mail in. This is a good sign that the enthusiasm is still as strong as it was in the just completed general election. How these votes are breaking down by party is not known but that there is keen interest is a good sign for we democrats. The republican party is fighting at the moment so to say that they are enthused to vote is not correct. They are knee jerk in their voting which means that they vote in elections about the same all the time. But we democrats are not knee jerk, we vote when it is obvious that we have a great stake in some voting outcome at the moment or some historic vote event is taking place.
     Removing trump was our extra motivation in the just completed election last month and now giving Joe Biden a majority senate seems to be reverberating with Georgia voters. It is still early to be able to validate any trend but my sense is that heavy voting in these runoff elections will occur. The mail in ballot return rate of approximately 30% is encouraging. The early in person voting has been steady and strong. 2 days into early voting and already nearly 336 thousand have cast ballots. That is over 715 thousand votes already banked, with both in person and mail in voting, before the January 5th election day. Georgia is not sitting this out and that for we democrats is a good thing.
     With senate republicans holding stimulus help hostage for protecting the wealthy so that the wealthy can commit grievous harm on the working class is unconscionable. It is my hope that the Georgia electorate will make republicans pay for being so condescending to the real needs of the working middle poor class. We must not allow the republican party to have control of the senate so that they can continue to keep their boot on our neck. With two democratic wins here in Georgia the senate will go to the democrats as a majority and then unlock the promises of Joe Biden to put real solutions and help, out as law that republicans cannot block nor obstruct. The literal universe of our nations well being is on the line in Georgia. Vote Democrat!

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

20 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4337)

      314,499 voters in Georgia have sent in mail in ballots while 168,293 Georgians voted on the first early in person voting day. That is a total of 482,792 votes already banked and there are still 17 days left for early voting. Remember there were just under 5 million voters in the just completed general election and overall there are over 7 million eligible voters in Georgia. If the current totals in first day of in person early voting and the first few days of mail in voting is any hopeful indication we are well on our way for Georgia to get near or surpass it's record breaking turnout of last month.
     Which is what we democrats need to have happen. Even though the republican control of elections in Georgia are doing more this time to obstruct voting it seems that the voters have made up their minds to vote despite the obstruction. The reason may be the clarity that the importance of who controls the Senate is who controls if we have progress for the next 2 years. Will it be the Biden administration or will it be the shadow trump clan through mcconnell? It is that simple when trying to figure out what to do. Should democrats get the overwhelming mandate they won during the last election or will the shadow trumps get it to deny and disrupt the health and welfare of our nation.
     With the republican party still being divisive even within it's own membership; and both the democratic candidates uniting behind a message of a new beginning with help for the working middle poor class. The momentum is on the side of we democrats by my estimation because this is still Georgia, a red state up until last month. That we democrats are tied or slightly ahead in the polling does tell me that more voters are looking at what democrats can offer than are not. We need to keep the numbers rolling in on early voting so that we make sure that all the democrat and favoring independent voters get their voices heard for the rest of us patiently and anxiously watching.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

21 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4336)

      Since the general election trump has refused to concede defeat to the now official president elect Joe Biden. Yesterday the electoral college of each of our 50 states and Washington, District of Columbia, formalized the votes and declared Joe Biden the victor. That trump is still not conceding after being roundly defeated by over 7 million votes nationwide and losing the electoral vote by a whopping 74, says more about his character or lack thereof than it does about any logically conceivable evidence he has of wrongdoing. With the electoral college blessing yesterday, Joe Biden, a man of consideration and humility, is now poised to position himself as the coming leader of our nation.
     One way he will do that is today in Georgia where he will be campaigning for Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff to help them win the two senate seats up for election on January 5, 2021. Early voting has begun there and already more than 20% of the mail in ballots have been returned with 3 weeks still to go until the January 5th election day. Over 260,000 mail in ballots have been received. So it is maybe a few days late for Joe to be going to Georgia to help persuade democrats and independents to vote for the two democrats but with his electoral vote confirmation now behind him it gives him the edge he needs to tell undecided voters that his agenda is coming and he needs all their help to get it into law.
     Early in person voting began yesterday and I don't have the daily figures for those yet but I have no doubt that the interest in this election will not be dampened by it's lack of a presidential choice. On the contrary, the ability of the new president to affect positive change is on the ballot in Georgia so it may well be that the choices made in Georgia come the end of day on January 5th may well decide who is actually president. Joe Biden with his legitimate mandate but in need of the control of the Senate, or mitch mcconnell and the shadow of trump calling the shots. This Georgia election is truly a do or die moment for the rest of the nation so please Georgians, do all you can to make trump disappear in the shadows instead of lurking behind the democracy killing mcconnell.

Monday, December 14, 2020

22 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4335)

      As the Georgia senate runoff elections begin in person voting today, we, all of us are still being ravaged by the Covid-19 Coronavirus. So much so that the average daily death toll is around 3,000. Most all of our large cities are locked or locking down to some degree while businesses are ending due to no customers with no money to spend. So unlike last April when a stimulus package was passed into law that actually addressed the needs of our citizenry, we cannot get republicans to do anything for our citizenry now that they are clearly on the side that the virus is no longer a threat. Yet reality, everyday, does not agree with them that the virus is no longer a threat. With over 200,000 cases of infection a day, republicans are absolutely wrong!
     Meanwhile 10's of millions of Americans are about to lose what few protections are left from the Cares Act. Without a new round of stimulus to protect those who are not at fault for this Covid-19 outbreak, those 10's of millions will find themselves without income and without shelter. The republican party caused this but they do not want to admit it nor solve it. Instead they would just close their eyes and let the survival of the fittest doctrine run it's course. The inhumanity of their position should make them outcasts in our society with no recourse to participation in it in any political way. Which is coming in 22 days when the Georgia runoffs occur.
     I am beside myself at how low the republican party can go when it comes to our democratic institutions and traditions but to sacrifice lives as a strategy when helping is as easy a way there is, to me is beyond the pale of normalcy. If ever there was a time for the metaphorical torches and pitchforks to appear in the mob it is now at every doorstep of the republican politicians who are responsible for the carnage that is about to happen. This last general election was a wakeup call to the slumbering American electorate and now that the American conscience is aware that the time for ending the rule of a brutal and uncaring republican party is the next and final step toward regaining any semblance of decency and honor that we had let slip from our grasp!

Sunday, December 13, 2020

23 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4334)

      Of the 1,220,685 requested absentee ballots for this Georgia runoff election, 237,095 have been returned as of this morning. That is a 19.4% return rate. Not bad for just the first few days of this election. So overall, 16% of the electorate has requested mail in ballots, which means that The 1,220,685 ballots requested for mail in is 16% of the total registered voters. To get the total number of eligible voters in Georgia, the math goes like this; 1,220,685 divided by 16 equals 7,629,281. This is approximate since the 16% could be a bit above that or below that due to rounding rules. So with over 7.6 million eligible voters out there, one can dream but not expect anywhere near that many to vote this time around.
     Just under 5 million showed up for the presidential and that was about 1 million more than the all time high set in 2008 With President Obama. I know that the historic nature of last month's race was special but in this current climate and with nearly 5 million voting just last month it is possible that those same numbers, give or take more or less, can be achieved again. Control of the senate is at stake for the Biden/Harris ticket so getting our vote out is even more critical than anything going on in our lives at the moment. The difference is enormous between who controls the senate. We have seen that republicans will continue to stymie any repair work to our economy and cultural if they win these seats While we democrats will begin to improve the lives of all Americans when we win these two seats.
     I am an emotional guy when it comes to protecting the dignity and honor of our society. I am also a logician when it comes facts and truths. If we democrats keep hammering away at the truth of things and how we want to improve the reality on the ground we should get the interest of those swing voters who will decide these two outcomes. There are 23 days left to keep contacting those who are not consistent voters and get them on board with voting one more time in order to preserve a much better way of life by electing Warnock and Ossoff. It is critical now and all we can do is all we have left to help make sure that there is nothing left for us to do but to lay down at the end from the exhaustion of it all.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

24 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4333)

      Over 200,000 have already early voted in Georgia and we have 24 days left for voting. Good start for sure. I have all along been saying that this race will be close if we democrats turn out like in the general election earlier last month but now I am thinking we have a better than even shot at winning both these races. What has changed? For me it was the foolish and unpatriotic stance by too many republican politicians to align themselves with trump trying to overthrow our election. The dumbfuckery of them to advocate overthrowing a democratically designed election because they didn't like the outcome makes them not only look foolish but selfish as well.
     How much of this can the reliable republican voter withstand before having to just say enough of this! There is even talk of not seating the congresspersons from the republican party in the House of Representatives who signed onto the trump attempt to throw out 20 million or more votes. More likely than not their actions point to sedition, not the legitimate constitutional concern of a patriotic American. Advocating for autocracy over democracy does not endear them to freedom nor liberty. Either way this goes with these 126 republican representatives the crassness attached to the republican party is further eroding their effort to inspire voters in the Georgia Senate runoffs.
     What trump literally has been able to do is make the lemmings in the republican party follow him in his attempt to overturn a legitimate election instead of them focusing on keeping the majority in the senate. That trump could care less about the makeup of the senate is obvious but for the republican party to tag along with him in his desperation is the surprise and welcome gift to our democratic candidates in Georgia. No doubt these runoff races will still be close but the momentum is not on the side of the republican party. Instead it is now on the side of we democrats and I haven't even factored in the effect of not getting a stimulus helping hand being suppressed by of all people the one guy, mitch mcconnell, who needs Georgians to vote for the republican candidates in order to maintain his senate majority leadership role.

Friday, December 11, 2020

25 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4332)

      I saw a news article that republicans were motivated to vote in the senate runoffs but I haven't seen much evidence of that. Just saying it doesn't make it true. Yet we democrats have to be of one mind on this. That it can be true so we need to never stop getting our voters out to the polls. I believe that we democrats are the ones who are motivated to vote in this election and if I am to be right about that then this runoff election must be one for the ages. The turnout has to be historic if we are to be assured of a democratic sweep of these two races. The nonchalance I may be exhibiting here is a mask as I and many others know just how critical these two seats are.
     Now if all our Georgia democratic and independent voters would be of the same priority then the outcome would be well good indeed. Now that the republican party has been showing it's true stripe these last few days in trying to overthrow our constitutionally guided democratic republic the likelihood that they would have momentum toward their cause is suspect. Which is why if we democrats come out and vote there will be no doubt as to the outcome. Traitors are not well received by Americans and in this instance that paradigm should be no different.
     Trying to overthrow our constitution to protect the criminally inclined trump clan is a bridge too far even for many republicans. As the spotlight shines on the senate runoffs the impact may well be significant. No party, whether republican or democrat gets to change the rules or throw them out in order to win. We the people voted and that is how it should be. One other thing has come to light from all of this and that is the electoral college is too riddled with avenues of corruption that it must be reexamined. The popular vote in every other form of political contest we have should be good enough for all political contests we have. Yet the decision on that is for the future and to get to an intelligent future we need to win these two Georgia US Senate seats.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

26 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4331)

      Over 111 thousand voters have mailed back their runoff election ballots as of this morning. Early in person voting begins on December 14th and will continue until the last Friday before the actual election date of January 5, 2021. In the just concluded general election Georgia voters mailed in 1,320,154 mail in ballots. We will get some idea as the mail in ballots for this runoff election continues to rise if it is on par with the general election just finished. In person early votes totaled 2,694,763 in the just completed general election so we will also get to see how that stacks up with this runoff. If the numbers are comparable then this could be a democratic victory. If the numbers are much less then republicans have the advantage.
     Here is the link I follow to get the stats, There were nearly 1 million Georgians who decided to wait until the election date to in person vote so that brings the total to about 5 million who showed up at the polls to vote in the just completed general election. If we democrats are going to have similar success in electing these 2 democratic senate candidates as we did in electing Joe Biden then we need similar if not more turnout than the general election turnout. Most have made up their minds already so it is all about getting folks to vote. With nearly 7 million eligible voters in Georgia getting 6 million of them or more to vote would be awesome!
     All eyes are on Georgia so maybe those who didn't vote in the general election will be inclined to do so this time around. With as much interest as is being displayed all over Georgia because of the national importance one would think it would be on every voters mind to participate. All the grassroots efforts there by so many civil rights groups should help get most of the democratic base out to vote. As to the republican base it is in a bit of disarray but should never be counted out as they are consistent in their voting. This election is going to be a wild one in my estimation as the twists and turns of obstruction and anger are incalculable. One must work for and hope that the arc of the moral universe will bend toward justice in this election.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

27 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4330)

      The voting has begun in the Georgia US Senate runoffs. Of the approximately 7.6 million eligible voters a small fraction, 71,586 has been recorded as of this morning. A little over 1.1 million mail in ballots were requested which is about 14.5 percent of the total eligible. In the just completed general election just under 5 million votes were cast. If that trend of the general election stays approximately the same these two races will be much too close to call. If the number is going to be less than the nearly 5 million votes cast in the general election then the call might be easier to call for republicans. Given the political climate remained unchanged from last month.
     But we know the political climate has changed since trump is not conceding and instead is making outlandish claims to victory. As it affects these two senate runoff elections, both republicans have not declared that trump lost. Which makes this race a bit uncomfortable for them. They are two who do not abide by the ethics of our time in a wholesome fashion. They both are shady on insider trading and now won't even admit that the voters of Georgia have decided presidential race. If anything they are creating their own resistance to a smooth flow at a chance for winning. They so are afraid of crossing trump that they are jeopardizing own inside track to win.
     Which should tell voters all they need to know about the character of both of these republicans. They stand for themselves and not the voters of Georgia. We shall see the result of their tightrope walk come 27 days. Meanwhile we democrats have got to focus on our message of immediate help for the economy with jobs, health care, criminal justice reform, as well as the stimulus needed to kickstart our economy back into some form of recovery. The trump induced plague of Covid-19 must be subdued and that is what will happen when we win these two senate races in Georgia.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

28 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4329)

     Some minds can be changed but for the most part this election is about turnout. Can we get our voters to turn out like in the general election and will the republican voters decide it just isn't worth it with all the republican infighting. My best guess is always prepare for the worst but hope for the best. So we need to keep hammering away at the benefits of voting in this runoff election for all if we can get these 2 senate seats. This can be done but it will take all of us to do it so we need the grassroots in Georgia to unite together to make sure our voters will go to the voting booth. So much is riding on this that the argument for voting is strong.
     I know we are all tired of this election and what we have accomplished so far is great and good but we are not there yet until this runoff election is done. So let us keep the pressure on all our voters to commit to vote now that the voter registration period is over. All who are eligible are now the ones who will make this runoff election historic. The pool of voters is decided so now will our voters, every one of us, come out and vote? That is what we need to work hard to make happen. Last month there were over 4.9 million voters who actually voted so I can assume that there are at least 6 million voters who could vote in this runoff election.
     Even though there was record turnout in Georgia last month there were at least a million eligible voters who didn't vote for whatever reason. Those voters plus the newly eligible 18 year olds will make the difference this time. Turnout is all there is left to make happen as the candidates have spent 10's of millions of dollars explaining their positions although republicans have little in the way of policy positions to explain because they just don't exist. So getting all our voters to mail in their ballots correctly, go to early polling sites and then lastly show up on election day and cast their ballots. We democrats have everything to gain for not only ourselves but for those who are also voting against us. Let us make this happen!

Monday, December 7, 2020

29 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4328)

      Early voting in the Georgia US Senate runoffs begins in 7 days. One week from today all eligible Georgia voters will begin to decide whom they are voting for to some degree. But more importantly it is what they are voting for that takes the greatest courage. Do they want to increase the chances exponentially of help coming out to the American people throughout America or do they want to stifle help coming to out to all Americans? This is the big unknown for the moment. It would seem like a no brainer from the logical standpoint to vote to get help out to all Americans but for some twisted reality we have not been a vast majority nation of logical thinkers.
     First there are the crowd who vote republican no matter what. Come hell or high water they will always vote for republicans out of some fealty they have instilled into their behavior. I mean they would vote for republicans if republicans promised them they would all be lined up and shot in a firing squad scenario even if they voted for them. The loyalty is astonishing especially considering we live in a nation that has free will and the choice to choose differently. I am no such robotic person but too many are. Then there are those who hate with such passion the race of others that they would never vote for anyone who wasn't white and a "normal" christian, whatever that is!
     What may finally break through this fog of illogical thinking is a new breed of voter in Georgia. A voter who can differentiate between what is good for them and their families and friends as opposed to the knee jerk republican voter who cannot understand what choices are out there. A political party is not sacred. A politician earns your trust regardless of which party they are affiliated with. So despite the tradition of voting a particular way there are other reasons to vote for the best candidate or the best outcome. Intelligent voters see the writing on the wall with the Biden victory and to make that victory better for all Americans the Georgia voter has a chance to enhance that outcome.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

30 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4327)

      The pot got stirred in Georgia yesterday with trump banging on about his new found irrelevancy. Claims of unsubstantiated falsehoods abound with trump so going into any of them is foolish. So did he help the republican candidates for senate yesterday? Hard to tell but his not being able to get past his own reappointment defeat likely didn't do as much as he could have had he been less about himself. I would have said he could have highlighted the republican candidates positions on important legislation but they don't have any position on important legislation that is legitimate and needed. I still don't have a clue as to the republican party platform other than it's constant attacks on democrats.
     30 days left until we know if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' democratic party platform will begin to become the new normal or if practically none of it is able to be implemented, The crucial senate seats up in this special runoff election need to become democratic in order the Biden/Harris ticket to actually make the changes to our society that are so badly overdue. The republican party has been on a mission to turn our working middle class into a poor class so that the wealthy can dictate to us how and when we serve them. that is the only vision I can see that fits with their rhetoric and inaction on needed help for the working middle poor class.
     So how Georgia votes over these nest few weeks, early voting begins December 14 through January 1. With election day being January 5th, will determine the fate of our nation going forward. The republican party has already signaled that they will obstruct any and all legislation plus federal court appointments that don't meet their strict requirements of doing anything for the American people who are not wealthy. Every attempt must be made to bring this point out to the Georgia voter. Either vote for democrats and see real positive change on many fronts or vote for republicans and keep what little we have, even as what little we have is slipping away.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

31 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4326)

      Maybe the most persuasive selling point we democrats have down in Georgia for the 2 senate runoff seats is to let the Georgia constituents know that with a democratic led senate they will be assured of receiving a $1,200 stimulus check nearly as soon as Joe Biden/ Kamala Harris are inaugurated. Having already received one payment back last spring/summer the allure of having another should kindle some desire in them that won't be coming with republicans leading the senate. If I know anything about how bad our economy has become for we the working middle poor class, this point alone should engender some significant support. The republican party has shown that they are not about the people who are in our working middle poor class and once again side with the more wealthy.
     In our capitalistic economy where the bottom line of money is all that matters, the idea that money would be coming to many in the form of $1,200 is enticing more than not. We are all hurting and republicans do not want us to have that $1,200 when we really need it. It isn't a giveaway either. We all were hurt because of the mismanagement of the Covid-19 virus so the $1,200 is just a bit of relief from that. It wasn't our fault that trump decided that the virus was not worth his full attention. We all need to get back on our feet and for a small amount of money in the big picture, $1,200 will go a long way toward getting us back whole.
     So many of us have been going without on so many civilized things that we are quickly becoming far more poor than middle class. While the wealthy are raking in money hand over fist. The largest income inequality gap in history is taking place right now and continues to grow, Beginning to answer the income inequality dilemma is to elect both democrats in the Georgia US Senate runoff. That way a large stimulus package can be passed into law that includes all Americans not just the wealthy. That $1,200 stimulus payment is just the beginning of the help coming with 2 democratic victories on January 5th 2020 so let's make it so!

Friday, December 4, 2020

32 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4325)

      The question about 200,000 or so citizens who were purged from the voting rolls prior to the 2020 general election who were still eligible to vote has yet to be resolved. Surely each of those eligible voters need to reregister to make sure they were able to vote in the 2020 general election and now the special senate runoff elections. The end of registration for these runoffs is on December 7th with the early voting starting on December 14. So any of those who were disenfranchised for the general election only have a few days to make sure they are eligible for the runoff election. There were nearly 5 million votes cast in the state of Georgia last month in the general election with the difference between the parties very narrow.
     So every vote will be needed by we democrats if we want to give everything we have to electing our 2 candidates and by that taking control of the senate. Which is a major priority if we are to get a sizable stimulus package out to the American citizenry. With republicans in control, they are holding fast to giving little to nothing to the American people while saying that a cure is just around the corner. But a cure cannot get to the American people fast enough as the economic factors in play have most all of us over a barrel. Having to wait out another 3 to 4 months at the earliest for a cure to arrive is too much a hardship to endure. Meanwhile Covid-19 is on a rampage spreading it's path of death everywhere in our nation.
     So as we have to shut down the economy even more without a stimulus deal from the republican party the likelihood that 10's of millions will be substantially harmed is increased exponentially with republicans holding the senate. Which is why every vote will matter in Georgia this coming runoff election period. Making sure that all democrats and democrat leaning independent voters who are eligible to vote are registered is the highest priority right now as the deadline for the registration cutoff is only 3 days away. The fate of our people and the progress of our nation is at stake here so there is no time for procrastination nor uncaring. We democrats have got to win these 2 senate runoff elections in Georgia and all that we can do must be done to make it happen.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

33 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4324)

     Today marks a month since the election and trump has yet to concede. He has lost the popular vote by nearly 7 million votes at this time, while also handily losing the electoral college. So why has he not conceded yet? Well he is fundraising for his own personal finances with the backdrop that he was cheated out of a victory. But of course he has no proof he was cheated. Yet the money keeps rolling in from his more than uneducated followers. So I suppose, given Occam Razor, the most likely answer for him not conceding is his ability to capture fundraising dollars. His own grift is more important than the stability of our democracy.
     For a guy who is supposed to be a billionaire, according to him but we don't have proof of that, he sure looks desperate to fundraise. Now it appears he may be involved in a pay for pardon scheme. I wouldn't be surprised if he is also accused of a pay for Presidential Medal of Freedom scam. Because if there is one thing we have learned about trump it is that he will go to any length to secure money without having to earn it. A guy who is bound to lavishness is not anyone who should ever be trusted. I can only say here and now that it is a miracle the many of us survived the trump 4 years.
     Well in about another month's time we will know if we democrats are to be the new majority in the senate. I sure as hell hope so in order to control the appointment of judges and to put legislation up for the vote. If mcconnell is allowed to remain the leader of the senate then there will be little to no legislation coming out for votes. The importance of the Georgia senate outcomes is so vital to the new beginning our nation needs that no other possible outcome will do. We need the senate majority and all of us had better do all we can to make it so. Because in 48 days Joe and Kamala will be sworn in and the idea that all roads have to travel through Moscow mitch mcconnell is unthinkable.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

34 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4323)

      I want to talk about all this unity stuff being tossed around as the way forward. I am all for unity and it's bringing us together in harmony. Yet as we found out, unity can only be achieved when we all use the same facts and truths to form our reasons, analysis, and conclusions. That is not the case here with republicans. They are not about facts and truths they are about myths and denial. So you can go ahead and try to unite with these folks but what you will be doing is alienating me and others like me who have already been down that idiotic road out of some duty to all our fellow human beings. What we need to do is stick with those who use facts and truths and move forward without the dragging anchor of those who don't.
     The majority of our nation wants a more progressive lean to our politics so any thought about going back to the middle to appease fools is counter productive and ill considered. I would hope that the Biden/Harris administration is well of this and keeps it's earned identity intact. I want us to have consensus in all things but some are not prone to having democracy as their first choice of government so they cannot be a viable part of an evolving democratic solution. They will only hamper it, as they fight to have their agenda overcome the will of ours. The idea that we would keep our friends close and our enemies closer is fraught with false premises'.
     The proof of our progressive policies is the result of them so to waylay our policies in order to appease the illogical is nonsensical. The strength of our convictions toward our policies must also be displayed in our courage to enact them. Pushing forward with the mandate that we have given the Biden/Harris ticket is the catalyst to not look backward but forward to a better future. Fear has no place in our desire to make the lives of others better and giving into fear instead of going forward is cowardice. The future of our society is contingent upon our ability to ramrod our ideals through despite the clever cries of the selfish defeated.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

35 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4322)

      The only way we win these 2 Georgia US Senate runoff elections is if we democrats hammer home the possibilities of our policies. We have really good policies that even republicans can understand if they are informed of the cost/benefit. The only thing the republicans have is ad hominem attacks on the democratic party. That isn't policy that is more in line with ignorant hatred. We are good people on the democratic side of politics and our goal is to give everyone a fair shake in life. Once we explain ourselves more fully in the next 35 days we should see a better chance of winning over voters who really do need help.
     It has been my contention about these last few weeks that we need a really robust rural relief package that helps our rural communities come into a more advanced evolving society. They have been left behind by republicans so we democrats have a good shot at finding out their needs and addressing them with bills that are productive and passable into law. We democrats have the best intentions for our citizenry, a fair and just world that doesn't kowtow to big money nor privilege and advantage. We have to be able to get our message out to all who would need a real ally in government that isn't the false hopes big money.
     We have 35 days to figure out a concise and clear message that government is for helping our economy and protecting our rights to pursue our happiness without causing anyone else harm. We can do this if we put our minds together and explain that policies that help enrich folks are better than letting them fend for themselves in a dog eat dog world. We are an enlightened species who can devise a government that is purposeful and just if we would work to get our message out that explains that. I want all of us to be the best that we can be if we so choose and that can only happen when all of us have a fair and even shot at being our best. That is our democratic motto and it is a great one!

Monday, November 30, 2020

36 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4321)

      Trying to inform the Georgia voter about the significant difference between democrats controlling the senate and republicans controlling the senate is the task at hand. Now for some the difference is moot, as they will vote for a republican come rain or shine in spite of logic, reason or necessity. Yet there are still many who vote for republicans who can be shown an alternative if it benefits them in some significant way. I don't know how those numbers break down but any republican who votes for the 2 democrats on the ballot is a victory for all of us. Explaining the differences is the key in how we approach all the voters in Georgia.
     First off, less than 3 weeks after the Biden inauguration, and with a democratic senate, stimulus money for our economy will begin to flow out of our national treasury to help all of us who are devastated by the Covid-19 virus. The contrast if republicans hold the senate is no stimulus money coming out of our national treasury for any foreseeable future. Another point of contention is the unemployment insurance for those who cannot work due to stay at home orders. We democrats want to do again the unemployment expansion that helped all our of work workers pay their bills and still have money left over for life events, much the same as the earlier stimulus bill passed last May.
     Making the case to the Georgia voter that an economic recovery stimulus plan will immediately begin to get to them with a democratic senate should at least get their attention. But there is more. Health care will not be taken from them and instead it will be expanded. Infrastructure jobs will also be coming quickly to us all over America to help reestablish higher paying jobs for our citizenry. Increasing the minimum wage is also something that will happen quickly. Food for our hungry will be expanded immediately after the Biden Administration is sworn in. Help in many ways for our citizens is ready to go when we win these 2 senate seats in Georgia on January 5th, 2021. So let's make the case!

Sunday, November 29, 2020

37 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4320)

      Other than the last gasps of denial from the trump cabal, the last few days have been somewhat calm and quiet. Which is a first for the trump era. I mean I don't even have much to say about anything this good morning because the news has been overwhelmingly against trump in just about every facet of life. So now I just shrug when I hear trump has been denied once again in court, both in the states and at the federal level. Yet I know I will not really be calm until we win those 2 Georgia US Senate runoffs and finally after Joe Biden is inaugurated on January 20th 2021. Yet I have not felt this at ease in the last four years.
     I want to say here that I think it was amazing what we accomplished as a nation in ending the trump attempt to claim our democracy for his own. Over 80 million votes were cast for Joe Biden and although trump may end up with 74 million votes it wasn't enough by a lot to keep his fantasy from coming true. Never before has a candidate lost with 74 million votes but then again never before has a candidate won with over 80 million votes. This election has been historic and it is just what we needed to end the madness of trump and his minions. A new Biden/Harris administration will be coming soon and when we do get our 2 senate seats in Georgia then a whole now era of putting the American people first will begin.
     The fervor from the last many months has died down now and for most of us it is a well deserved respite. But only a short rest as we have one more job of the highest priority to accomplish and that is winning the majority control of the senate. The absolute necessity of winning the senate is undeniable and for anyone not to be at their sharpest in helping us make it happen is a dereliction that cannot be allowed. Many of our activists have gone to Georgia to volunteer with the senatorial campaigns and many many more of us have given our last pennies to those same campaigns. Getting Georgians to the polls in these special runoff elections is difficult but not undoable. Help us make it happen in Georgia!

Saturday, November 28, 2020

38 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4319)

      The latest attempt to try to disenfranchise Georgia voters is based on checking every voters envelope with their signature on it to match against every voters voter registration form. A clear way to cause a tremendous amount of unnecessary work while being able to subjectively disqualify certain people's ballots. So if you are in Georgia, make sure that your signature is consistent with your signature that you signed with when you registered to vote. Now I know sometimes our signatures can vary by certain degrees and that is what republicans will be looking for especially in counties where they know it is a heavy democratic voting county.
     I have no doubt that they won't be too particular about signatures on mail in ballots in heavy republican voting counties. So make sure if you do use the mail in ballots that you sign with your normal signature and do all that is required for your vote to count. This special election in Georgia is going to be an amazing process because so much is on the line especially after an already historic election. The momentum is still there for our blue wave, we just have to make sure that it is felt once again on January 5, 2021. The end of the registration period for this special election is December 7, 2020 so make sure that if you are eligible to vote you are registered and with a signature that is easily recognizable.
     The republican party is scared once again in Georgia and well they should be. The enthusiasm for this election is squarely with we democrats as we have the most to gain and the now largest base of voters in Georgia. Meanwhile the republican party is making a disorganized run at solidifying their base to come out and vote with little incentive as will be shown. If we democrats win these 2 senate seats Covid-19 relief funds will begin to flow within about 3 weeks. If not no relief funds will be coming for the foreseeable future. Everyone in America is hurting right now except the wealthy class and there are not that many of them in Georgia. So if the Georgia electorate is hoping for some stimulus relief soon and more economic options in the future they will likely be voting for democrats.

Friday, November 27, 2020

39 days until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4318)

      Nothing now to distract us from the hard work of turning those 2 Georgia US Senate seats blue. The eyes of our whole nation is on Georgia and that is a good thing. What is true here is that we democrats are solidly behind our candidates of Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. Two good men who know how to do their jobs and help the American working middle poor class. I know I am so tired of republicans getting elected and doing nothing for the American people. It has been happening for several decades now and must come to an end! We democrats and like minded independents have to come out and vote in force so as to leave no doubt as to the destiny of our comprehensive national heritage's revitalization.
     The republican party has vowed to obstruct any substantive plans Joe Biden and Kamala Harris wish to promote in order to uplift the working middle poor class so we cannot let republicans keep the majority in the Senate. Most of you know how this works already but here is a synopsis of how this should play out: When we democrats win these 2 Georgia US Senate seats we will have a tie in the Senate with Republicans. The republican party already has 50 seats in their senate caucus and we currently have 48. So when we democrats win these 2 seats in Georgia we will also have 50 seats in our senate caucus, since there are currently 100 senate seats in total. With a tie, the leader of the senate is controlled by the party of the incoming president, who is a democrat. Vice president Kamala Harris would then be the tie breaking vote.
     So in 39 days we will begin to know if we democrats have done enough in Georgia to reach 50 senate seats thus becoming the majority leaders in the senate. There is nothing more important now than these 2 Georgia seats. I wish we had done better in the senate during the election but we didn't and now we have a real chance to rectify that with a resounding and deafening turnout for our 2 great candidates for senate in the newly minted blue state of Georgia. Let us get this done and then the best of who we are as Americans will be able to show itself without obstruction from republicans at every turn!

Thursday, November 26, 2020

40 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4317)

      I am thankful that we are no longer going to have a selfish cruel idiot for a president. That should about cover it but there is more. I am thankful that we are going to have a president who cares as much if not more about the rest of us than he does about himself. That is the exact opposite of what we still have for the next 55 days until Joe Biden's inauguration. So today as I listen to and see all the thanksgiving day normalcies I will reflect upon the reality that the worst of what has been the last 4 years is about to end and a new beginning toward something special is about to blossom.
     There are still some rough spots we have to get through mostly with the last ditch efforts of trump to derail our electoral process but that is just not going to happen. Then there are the problems we are going to have with a supreme court filled with conservative hacks who put their own agendas above our constitution. But after we win the special runoffs in Georgia for those 2 senate seats and retake the majority those problems will have real solutions to consider. Changing how our elections are manipulated is a high priority and if needed packing the high court to change the current religious based dynamic is another. But overall after we win those 2 Georgia senate seats life will immeasurably improve.
     Now I don't take anything for granted which is why I am on the daily Georgia senate runoff countdown. We have to win those 2 seats in order for the best of all worlds to begin here in America. We cannot have a selfish cruel Moscow mitch dictating the health and well being of all the rest of us if we want a future that has hope and opportunity. So I am claiming those 2 seats for us as if we have already won them while also doing whatever I can to help make it so. My determined stance notwithstanding, those races are going to be a struggle to win but if we democrats show up and vote we stand a better than even chance of winning them. Let's get this done and then really have something to be thankful for!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

41 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4316)

     An opportunity for an even more competitive Georgia senate runoff is brewing. Not for republicans as they are the ones who are infighting over the fate of trump. Since Georgia went blue as of this election the republican party has been blaming the republican leadership in the state. The republican party controls Georgia and for it to go blue has caused much consternation among the republican party. They cannot fathom that the republican leaders in Georgia were not able to restrict voting and or obstruct in every other way to make sure that republicans somehow had the most votes.
     It is clear that national republicans are pissed at Georgia state republicans for not cheating enough to win. So a schism has occurred with national republicans calling on voters loyal to trump in Georgia to not vote for the 2 republican senate candidates. As some back handed way at punishing Georgia state republican representatives. I am not sure about their logic but then again, it is the republican party so logic doesn't need to be the outline. But what it does is give we democrats more opportunities to win both senate races while republicans are infighting with each other over trump. For me it is a sweet occurrence because anything that helps us democrats get back the senate majority is welcome.
     I could care less about how the republican party goes about it's evolution going forward but as long as they are in chaos for now I am well pleased. Joe Biden needs a friendly senate and house in order to push his agenda through and start to build our economy while defeating Covid-19. As well as making campaign finance laws more equitable to a egalitarian process for one person one vote. The list of things that need to be done and their high priority is long and on the line in Georgia so we need all the help and luck we can get so that the future of our nation is the destiny we want for our better angels.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

42 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4315)

      Well, the dam of emotions broke in my head yesterday. The final gasp of desperation from trump was laid to rest. His appointed director of the GSA finally announced the ascertainment of Joe as our president elect. So now the transition from an appointed president trump to a real elected president Biden can begin. Joe has not waited while being blocked from his appointment with destiny as he has started naming cabinet level and White House staffing members. The FBI background checks may now officially begin in the process of filling out our depleted executive branch positions. There is much to do here as trump allowed us to become a skeletal executive branch.
     So much good karma now going forward that I think this is what we needed as a political party especially with the Georgia senate elections coming up. The weight of trump destroying our society has been lifted now as the path forward toward Joe and Kamala is real and happening. With that injected invigoration into our mindsets the possibility of us winning in Georgia now is increased because destiny demands it! A manifest destiny if you will that must happen for all the pieces of a great new beginning to fall into place. 42 days until that reality will be realized and I feel a surge of energy just now thinking about it.
     Our great political leaders in Georgia are already working very hard to inspire one more turnout that breaks all records for a runoff election. Georgia is now a purple state with more blue than red so we have the chance to raise Georgia up on our shoulders and declare them the new state of democratic rebirth. A truly remarkable outcome that not even I had the optimism to suggest would be our new reality. What a great day going forward we are in. My optimism is so sky high that I now expect a complete democratic charge to the forefront of all of our national political agendas. Come join us make this new era one we will never be ashamed of.

Monday, November 23, 2020

43 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4314)

      I have a friend named Alisha who is heavily saddened by the trump disdain for the death he is causing due to Covid-19. She brought up an important point yesterday in that the toll this period in time is taking on not only the dying but those of us who feel helpless to stop it and is overwhelming us. My emotions are raw and my temper is at an all time high. If possible I would do something to stop it but I am no one able to try anything from where I sit. Short of doing all we can to prevent contracting the Covid-19, there is nothing to be done but wait it out and then set in motion our response to ending this pandemic when that time comes.
     The trumps are on a mission to delay and deny the Biden victory so we cannot plausibly start a protocol early before the inauguration. With how things are going it may well be later than the inauguration that we are able to begin steps to defend against the virus. The trumps are responsible for any delay and should, in a just universe, be held to account for their life debasing actions. Alisha was telling me that her sorrow over this was just getting to much for her and all I could do was tell her that I was here online for her so that at least we could share our commiserations. All of us who have an ounce of sympathy and compassion for those who are most affected by this pandemic are being emotionally crippled by the lack of empathy and supportive action from the trump cabal.
     There are 43 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoff elections so that should be our focus during this time. Keep our heads focused on winning those elections so that on day one the Biden administration can produce the needed solutions to our most vexing and grave problems. I am bone weary at this point after fighting the long battle to oust trump and his minions so there is little left in my tank as to energy and acute awareness but what is left needs to be drawn from to the very last molecule. Alisha and I will eventually be okay like many others who are in the same way. We will get through this but the humanity we all should have in our lives has taken a toll, while too many of us have paid too dearly with grave results.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

44 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4313)

      The dwindling presence of trump and his obvious demise is unfolding before our very eyes. His attempts to overturn the will of our people from the results of the past election are failing everywhere he is manipulating a different result. Much like denial, it isn't going to change anything no matter how much he keeps believing that it will. Reality will run it's course and the thrashing and throes of trumps will not change it one wit! I am not a psychologist nor psychiatrist and cannot specifically say what it is that trump is exhibiting but from my daily observations as a human being I can say that his behavior is not within the range of normalcy. 
     It is odd that we are seeing a president of the United States act in a way that is beneath the dignity of the office in such a blatant and chilling manner. My personal embarrassment is deep and introspective. Because he was appointed to the presidency during my lifetime when I thought that nothing like him or his enablers would ever hold public office in our great nation. Yet it has come to pass and is now ending. I will say here again that I don't hold myself responsible for his attainment of our presidency but my generation had much to do with it. Which I take as a personal slap in the face from my peers.
     59 days left of this uncaring person and that will be the result regardless of his inability to rationalize the moment. 44 days left until the special runoff elections in Georgia and if it isn't clear to everyone in the state of Georgia just how important it is to show up and vote for both democrats in the runoff elections then we will have the same problems going forward like if trump had not been defeated. There can be no slack in the attention to making sure that all of the healthy minded souls in Georgia vote for a healthy minded America. We can get many things done over the next 2 years but only if we get every eligible Georgia voter to once again come out and vote for the democratic party.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

45 days until the Georgia US Senate runoff (#4312)

      I got nothing for today. But that doesn't mean that I haven't anything to say. It just means that my mind is elsewhere on trivial things that are happening to me personally on a small scale. Like chores I need to address that are occasional and not daily. So as my mind is occupied with that, the things of a more national importance have taken a backseat. Yet as is the daily occurrence in the post election/pre inauguration time of trump we have much the same disaster that keeps getting worse. The Covid-19 spread throughout our nation is on the rise in an alarming way while trump is playing golf today.
     He is still not allowing the transition between his hot mess and the new Biden administration. Which is making matters worse in most every way that can be measured. We know now that trump is deliberately undermining the Biden administration as a petty vindictive spoiled brat would. He is so emotionally crushed as to not having been reelected that he is trying to make America pay for our lack of allegiance to him. What he doesn't get is that he is the one who owes allegiance to us! Again I keep hearing that we democrats have got to cave in to playing nice with our republican captors like in a Stockholm Syndrome sort of reality. I don't see it like that, instead I know we need to play hardball with republicans because unlike we democrats who are experts at knowing the carrot aspect of treatment we are too hesitant to apply the stick when it is obviously needed.
     The deaths now from Covid-19 are on pace to reach 2000 a day, every day, for the foreseeable future and trump has all but ignored any solution other than waiting on a vaccine. I have no sympathy for him nor his enablers in the US Senate and state governorships and legislatures who refuse to address a stimulus package to help we Americans who have been ravaged by Covid-19 due to inept and reckless policies republicans have deployed. I try not to think about the anger I have within me toward them as my own heathy outlook is in jeopardy of becoming diseased with a reverse hatred that will linger far beyond this awful time that is left in the trump era.

Friday, November 20, 2020

46 days until the Georgia US senate runoff elections (#4311)

      Another day closer to the runoff elections in Georgia and another day of chaos for the republican party in Georgia. As Georgia is prepared to give it's certification today for Joe Biden winning Georgia, trump and his allies in the White House are still claiming voter fraud in Georgia. Now remember, Georgia is a heavily dominated republican controlled state so as the national republicans from the White House continue to defame the state republicans in Georgia, the tension mounts. Pulling at the seams of their republican political party fabric is ill timed with so much at stake for republicans in the US Senate.
     The timing couldn't be more perfect for we democrats as after just winning Georgia for the first time this millennium lol. Having control of the Senate is at stake with these 2 Senate runoff elections. In 46 days what is left of the republican party in Georgia infighting like this will only help us democrats at the polls. Now the republican party in fighting is helpful but not the way for us to win. We must register our voters and then make sure they vote in any way that is possible. If we democrats do our job of getting the most out of our electorate as to actually voting then we stand a good chance of defeating a confused and struggling republican party.
     This mess that trump is creating in what should be the transitional period between he and Biden is playing out in Georgia and not in a good way for republicans. Most of the republican base may well still vote for their 2 republican senators but they are not going to add many more to their ranks from Independents who in all likelihood cannot stand this divisiveness and poor acceptance of the reality of the presidential race the republican party is creating. The lack of maturity and the disrespect that not only trump is showing but as these 2 republican senators, who are tied to trump in many ways, by extension to them as well. The upheaval that trump is causing is a major breakdown to inciting enthusiasm within the Georgia republican electorate.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

47 days left until the Georgia US senate runoffs (#4310)

      It is beginning to seem like trump will be the determining factor in the outcome of these 2 senate runoff races. For republicans it may not be a good thing. Even some more moderate republicans have to be turned off by the antics of trump to stall and attempt to overthrow our election. They may decide that the republican party is not worth their effort to vote for them in this crucial Georgia election. What Georgia republicans are about to find out is that if there is nothing in it for trump he won't help them get their 2 republican senators elected. That in itself may be enough for we democrats to overcome a republican vote total.
     That trump was already asked and declined to come to Georgia to campaign for the their candidates is a prelude to what they can expect in the very near future as this election day on January 5th 2021 draws near. What all the rest of us have already known for more than 4 years is that trump is all about what he can get out of anything he does. Since he has already lost the presidency what is the incentive for him to campaign for colleagues who would want to move into the senate? Maybe the republican power players in the national party will try to lure trump to Georgia with some hidden bestowal that would move trump to reconsider his initial denial of help?
     I don't know what will happen in these last 47 days but trump does have the ability to rev up his base to come out and vote so these republican senators in Georgia are at risk of losing trump's momentum. If they have to run on their own policies they are in trouble. Which is why they need trump to scare up the most voters for them. The republican party and their allegiance to trump cuts both ways as he is so childlike and filled with tantrums when he doesn't get his way, which is the presidency. He may well sit out this special runoff election while he calculates his own best options for the future. That he lost Georgia is another reason he may not want to come to Georgia where his feelings were hurt. lol.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

48 days until the Georgia US senate runoffs (#4309)

      The rot and pettiness of the republican party is on full display now that the election is over. We are finding that the frivolous lawsuits being filed against the election outcome by trump are nothing but a smokescreen to try to justify their inability to admit defeat. Not only that but the way some high ranking republicans have gone about trying to throw out valid votes cast by democrats is likely criminal. Yet as we know there is no one at the moment to hold them accountable while they remain in power during this, what is supposed to be a transition period. However in 63 days we will have a transition regardless of how stubbornly inappropriate republicans are making it.
     Then we will serve justice to those who have flaunted laws for their own purposes as a new administration that will not tolerate selfishness will begin. Begin it will as there is nothing the outgoing hot mess of hatred and thievery can do to stop our democratic process. The thrashing about in the throes of fear are all the trumps have left to do. What they can do for the good of our nation is to disappear from view and make their peace with their eventual judgement. Yet that is not what they will do and instead they are letting their arrogant privilege guide them at all costs. Without being reinstalled as president, trump has some serious allegations to defend himself against now and the thought of that must keep him awake at night.
     I cannot tell you his exit strategy but it won't be an honorable one. That time has come and gone since his first days in office when he began his march to a lifetime presidential appointment. But instead our democracy won out and for all his bluster and bombastic rhetoric he will be regarded as nothing more than a petulant wanna be tyrant who even failed at being that. He has not yet been uninstalled out of our lives but we did complete the process to begin his departure. For that a great weight has been lifted from our shoulders and our minds rest easier at night because of it. When he is officially gone the gasp of fresh air from me and the rest of us will symbolize a victory truly earned.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

49 days until the Georgia US senate runoff elections (#4308)

      There isn't much to say about the Georgia runoff elections except that they are a work in progress. 49 days until the actual election though leaves plenty of time for our forces on the ground to get those 23,000 or so newly eligible voters registered for the runoff election. Plus get our regular and irregular voters ready with their plans for voting. The deadline to register for the January 5th runoff election is December 7th. The mail in option is available for this runoff election so there are some steps to take to make sure those who can will have a mail in ballot and those who are not sure or know they have not applied yet can access the Georgia Secretary of State website to either sign up for mail in voting or register and then sign up for mail in ballots. Keep track of your ballot option is also available. Here are several helpful links:
     The links for donating will be added here as well. Each of us must do what we can to help our democratic party win these seats and that means leaving nothing left to feel guilty about not doing. Like I said yesterday, unless specifically asked to participate in Georgia to help with the registrations, walk in voting, or mail in voting the best we can do is support our friends in Georgia both monetarily and with helpful suggestions where applicable. Here are some donating links:  Associated with Stacy Abrams.
     I hope this link today is helpful to all who are concerned and directly involved in the Georgia runoff elections. Good luck to us all who want a US Senate that is lead by a democratic leader.

Monday, November 16, 2020

New countdown, 50 days until the Georgia US senate runoff elections (#4307)

      I am bone weary but it seems that just getting to our general election wasn't enough to let us rest from our task. These Georgia runoff elections won't be until January 5th 2021 so we all must keep our minds set to doing what we can to help out with a double victory for us democrats. Because of Covid-19 it is suggested that our activists do not flood the state of Georgia looking to help on the ground in registering voters or making sure registered voters show up to vote. There are about 23,000 coming of age newly eligible voters who could not vote in the November 3rd 2020 Georgia presidential election but will be eligible to vote in the January 5th 2021 runoff election. Getting those young folks registered and primed to vote will be one strategy to employ.
     However there are enough human democratic forces on the ground to handle the logistics in order to get us a victory there but monetary resources are needed. That is where our national democratic concern can really play a part in giving us the best chance to turn both those republican senate seats blue. Stacy Abrams is there coordinating with the democratic forces nationally to best utilize whatever advantages we have. So being patient and letting those who know direct all of us would be in our best interest. I have given and will continue to give what little financial help I can because there can be no question as to how important it is for us democrats to control the agenda in the senate for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
     We democrats have the House and the Presidency so controlling the agenda of the senate will give us a chance to bring legislation forward that will serve the majority of Americans who voted for change from trump and republican control. Getting control of the senate would also allow us to fill judgeships with objective jurists who put our constitution first before any other consideration. Which is the point of us having a constitution by which to be governed. So much is at stake still that even though my bones ache and my mind is sore from the lack of our nation's intellectual prowess we must soldier on as to victory if we are to become the nation that the majority of us and the world expect us to be.