Monday, December 7, 2020

29 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4328)

      Early voting in the Georgia US Senate runoffs begins in 7 days. One week from today all eligible Georgia voters will begin to decide whom they are voting for to some degree. But more importantly it is what they are voting for that takes the greatest courage. Do they want to increase the chances exponentially of help coming out to the American people throughout America or do they want to stifle help coming to out to all Americans? This is the big unknown for the moment. It would seem like a no brainer from the logical standpoint to vote to get help out to all Americans but for some twisted reality we have not been a vast majority nation of logical thinkers.
     First there are the crowd who vote republican no matter what. Come hell or high water they will always vote for republicans out of some fealty they have instilled into their behavior. I mean they would vote for republicans if republicans promised them they would all be lined up and shot in a firing squad scenario even if they voted for them. The loyalty is astonishing especially considering we live in a nation that has free will and the choice to choose differently. I am no such robotic person but too many are. Then there are those who hate with such passion the race of others that they would never vote for anyone who wasn't white and a "normal" christian, whatever that is!
     What may finally break through this fog of illogical thinking is a new breed of voter in Georgia. A voter who can differentiate between what is good for them and their families and friends as opposed to the knee jerk republican voter who cannot understand what choices are out there. A political party is not sacred. A politician earns your trust regardless of which party they are affiliated with. So despite the tradition of voting a particular way there are other reasons to vote for the best candidate or the best outcome. Intelligent voters see the writing on the wall with the Biden victory and to make that victory better for all Americans the Georgia voter has a chance to enhance that outcome.

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