Monday, December 14, 2020

22 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4335)

      As the Georgia senate runoff elections begin in person voting today, we, all of us are still being ravaged by the Covid-19 Coronavirus. So much so that the average daily death toll is around 3,000. Most all of our large cities are locked or locking down to some degree while businesses are ending due to no customers with no money to spend. So unlike last April when a stimulus package was passed into law that actually addressed the needs of our citizenry, we cannot get republicans to do anything for our citizenry now that they are clearly on the side that the virus is no longer a threat. Yet reality, everyday, does not agree with them that the virus is no longer a threat. With over 200,000 cases of infection a day, republicans are absolutely wrong!
     Meanwhile 10's of millions of Americans are about to lose what few protections are left from the Cares Act. Without a new round of stimulus to protect those who are not at fault for this Covid-19 outbreak, those 10's of millions will find themselves without income and without shelter. The republican party caused this but they do not want to admit it nor solve it. Instead they would just close their eyes and let the survival of the fittest doctrine run it's course. The inhumanity of their position should make them outcasts in our society with no recourse to participation in it in any political way. Which is coming in 22 days when the Georgia runoffs occur.
     I am beside myself at how low the republican party can go when it comes to our democratic institutions and traditions but to sacrifice lives as a strategy when helping is as easy a way there is, to me is beyond the pale of normalcy. If ever there was a time for the metaphorical torches and pitchforks to appear in the mob it is now at every doorstep of the republican politicians who are responsible for the carnage that is about to happen. This last general election was a wakeup call to the slumbering American electorate and now that the American conscience is aware that the time for ending the rule of a brutal and uncaring republican party is the next and final step toward regaining any semblance of decency and honor that we had let slip from our grasp!

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