Thursday, December 17, 2020

19 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4338)

     Nearly 10% of all eligible Georgia voters have already voted. We still have 16 days more of early voting, both in person and mail in. This is a good sign that the enthusiasm is still as strong as it was in the just completed general election. How these votes are breaking down by party is not known but that there is keen interest is a good sign for we democrats. The republican party is fighting at the moment so to say that they are enthused to vote is not correct. They are knee jerk in their voting which means that they vote in elections about the same all the time. But we democrats are not knee jerk, we vote when it is obvious that we have a great stake in some voting outcome at the moment or some historic vote event is taking place.
     Removing trump was our extra motivation in the just completed election last month and now giving Joe Biden a majority senate seems to be reverberating with Georgia voters. It is still early to be able to validate any trend but my sense is that heavy voting in these runoff elections will occur. The mail in ballot return rate of approximately 30% is encouraging. The early in person voting has been steady and strong. 2 days into early voting and already nearly 336 thousand have cast ballots. That is over 715 thousand votes already banked, with both in person and mail in voting, before the January 5th election day. Georgia is not sitting this out and that for we democrats is a good thing.
     With senate republicans holding stimulus help hostage for protecting the wealthy so that the wealthy can commit grievous harm on the working class is unconscionable. It is my hope that the Georgia electorate will make republicans pay for being so condescending to the real needs of the working middle poor class. We must not allow the republican party to have control of the senate so that they can continue to keep their boot on our neck. With two democratic wins here in Georgia the senate will go to the democrats as a majority and then unlock the promises of Joe Biden to put real solutions and help, out as law that republicans cannot block nor obstruct. The literal universe of our nations well being is on the line in Georgia. Vote Democrat!

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