Friday, December 25, 2020

11 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4346)

      A quiet day I suppose for politics but knowing trump he will not be quiet today. Because he does not like being upstaged by anyone or anything. That is a fact. But regardless of his bombastic noise, I just don't listen. I have found that my sanity is safer when I block him out. I have spent four years keeping his image, voice, and words to as close to zero in my life as possible. Nothing he says is noteworthy to me. Now I do listen to others who report on his actions and behaviors but that is only because I need to stay up with current events. I am a political junkie of sorts but only because we all don't vote democratic.
     I would rather be doing most anything else that would be beneficial to our species. Yet here I am doing a daily blog post about politics or in the case of this day, the lack thereof. As to the Georgia US Senate races, they are still on track with the general election of last month as to turnout. One thing I have gleaned from reporting and actually looking at the county map of Georgia as to voter participation up to last night, is that the counties that went heavily for Biden are also getting their votes in at a greater rate than those other counties. Which doesn't confirm anything but it does give me hope that our base is turning out at a greater rate than the republicans.
     So although once again we democrats may be slightly leading in the early vote totals it doesn't mean much if republicans are going to turn out in the same manner on the runoffs election day that they turned out on the presidential election day. I somewhat don't think that their enthusiasm is as great now as it was then but never underestimate an opponent so we need all our voters to come out and vote after today going forward so that we can have the best shot of winning both Georgia runoff senate seats. The polls keep showing a tight race so no matter what, turnout will determine the winners so we must turn out more than they do, period!

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