Monday, December 28, 2020

8 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4349)

      Well trump finally signed the small Covid relief stimulus bill into law yesterday evening so there is that. I can just imagine that mcconnell was in his ear tirelessly trying to get him to help republican candidates in Georgia with his signature. The thing is though that despite mcconnells one sided reason for signing the relief bill, the American people are hurting and that is the real reason for trump to relent and sign the bill into law. He could have done this days ago therefore getting help to the American people sooner but that isn't the natural way for republicans. They are in a constant mode of proving that they are an uncaring, irrational  subset of human beings.
     So signing this bill into law will help republican leaders with their voters in Georgia but not for long. Today the Democratically controlled House will vote to increase the one time payment of $2,000 that trump had held the bill up for and it will pass today. Then it goes to the Senate where currently the republicans control that chamber and the House bill will be fortunate to get a vote. Because republicans have vowed to block it. Once again republicans will prove that they are an uncaring, irrational, subset of human beings. It is difficult to even describe republicans as human since my blog is about the true nature of humanity, which is curiosity and compassion.
     In conjunction with the inhumanity displayed by republicans, our citizenry still has the curse of them on us. So until we strike them from our leadership positions we will, on whole, continue to suffer the indignity of being less than human for years to come. In curiosity we find a yearning to learn and understand which is not a republican trait. In compassion we find empathy and endearment that if ever existed in republicans is no more. They are the worst of what humanity has become without redemptive value unless remorse exposes itself from them. I am always willing to forgive those who have found themselves on the wrong track and can find their way back but not as a blanket forgiveness for a subset group who has yet to even admit they are lost.

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