Friday, December 18, 2020

18 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4339)

      So far, as of this morning in this early voting period, 914,097 voters have voted already. This is 12% of all registered voters in Georgia. In person votes have now surpassed mail in votes as of yesterday, 486,970 to 427,127. Which to me shows an eagerness to vote. Why you may ask? Because if it were still mail in votes leading the way, because only over a million mail in ballots were requested, the conclusion would be less enthusiasm in the overall voting electorate to get out and early vote in person. We democrats need as much enthusiasm as we can get given the historical voting nature of Georgia and and the inconsistent voting nature of we democrats.
     So the more in person early votes that are cast the better for Georgia to have a large turnout. Of course we need to keep getting the mail in ballots until they reach or nearly reach the request amount. Then on the actual election day every democrat and like minded independent who hasn't yet voted needs to get to their voting district and cast their ballots. The actual voting should go quickly as there are only a few choices on the ballot to mark. I know it is a lot to ask of Georgians to carry this load of getting out and voting again just so soon after the general election last month but the cost of not doing so will be felt for years in a detrimental way if they don't.
     The time is getting short and we need to make sure that the more than 7 million eligible Georgian voters understand the critical nature of these runoff elections. I have no doubt that the information is getting out there as 100's of millions of dollars are being spent in the usual campaign advertising ways but also the ground swell of folks who are advocating for their candidates has been inundating Georgia. Activists all across the state are contacting potential voters to at least let them know what the stakes are and will be if they vote or don't vote. Each Georgian will make up their own minds so it is also critical that they have the best truthful and factual information to do just that.

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