Friday, December 11, 2020

25 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4332)

      I saw a news article that republicans were motivated to vote in the senate runoffs but I haven't seen much evidence of that. Just saying it doesn't make it true. Yet we democrats have to be of one mind on this. That it can be true so we need to never stop getting our voters out to the polls. I believe that we democrats are the ones who are motivated to vote in this election and if I am to be right about that then this runoff election must be one for the ages. The turnout has to be historic if we are to be assured of a democratic sweep of these two races. The nonchalance I may be exhibiting here is a mask as I and many others know just how critical these two seats are.
     Now if all our Georgia democratic and independent voters would be of the same priority then the outcome would be well good indeed. Now that the republican party has been showing it's true stripe these last few days in trying to overthrow our constitutionally guided democratic republic the likelihood that they would have momentum toward their cause is suspect. Which is why if we democrats come out and vote there will be no doubt as to the outcome. Traitors are not well received by Americans and in this instance that paradigm should be no different.
     Trying to overthrow our constitution to protect the criminally inclined trump clan is a bridge too far even for many republicans. As the spotlight shines on the senate runoffs the impact may well be significant. No party, whether republican or democrat gets to change the rules or throw them out in order to win. We the people voted and that is how it should be. One other thing has come to light from all of this and that is the electoral college is too riddled with avenues of corruption that it must be reexamined. The popular vote in every other form of political contest we have should be good enough for all political contests we have. Yet the decision on that is for the future and to get to an intelligent future we need to win these two Georgia US Senate seats.

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