Wednesday, December 2, 2020

34 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4323)

      I want to talk about all this unity stuff being tossed around as the way forward. I am all for unity and it's bringing us together in harmony. Yet as we found out, unity can only be achieved when we all use the same facts and truths to form our reasons, analysis, and conclusions. That is not the case here with republicans. They are not about facts and truths they are about myths and denial. So you can go ahead and try to unite with these folks but what you will be doing is alienating me and others like me who have already been down that idiotic road out of some duty to all our fellow human beings. What we need to do is stick with those who use facts and truths and move forward without the dragging anchor of those who don't.
     The majority of our nation wants a more progressive lean to our politics so any thought about going back to the middle to appease fools is counter productive and ill considered. I would hope that the Biden/Harris administration is well of this and keeps it's earned identity intact. I want us to have consensus in all things but some are not prone to having democracy as their first choice of government so they cannot be a viable part of an evolving democratic solution. They will only hamper it, as they fight to have their agenda overcome the will of ours. The idea that we would keep our friends close and our enemies closer is fraught with false premises'.
     The proof of our progressive policies is the result of them so to waylay our policies in order to appease the illogical is nonsensical. The strength of our convictions toward our policies must also be displayed in our courage to enact them. Pushing forward with the mandate that we have given the Biden/Harris ticket is the catalyst to not look backward but forward to a better future. Fear has no place in our desire to make the lives of others better and giving into fear instead of going forward is cowardice. The future of our society is contingent upon our ability to ramrod our ideals through despite the clever cries of the selfish defeated.

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