Tuesday, December 22, 2020

14 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4343)

      The early voting has slowed from it's initial rush and now we will see how much so over the next few days. The numbers are still on pace to reflect the vote from last month but it is early still and not at all a sure thing. I am concerned about whether the Georgia republican governor is as steadfast in making sure every vote counts as he was in the general election but that also will be seen. Otherwise, the battle for votes continues and hopefully we democrats are getting our point across to all democratic and like minded independent voters that these runoff elections are as crucial as anything in life right now.
     I am still confounded by how so many folks can still vote republican when everything around us is falling apart because of republican uncaring. Deaths and chronic health issues are mounting yet it doesn't seem to faze the republican voter. Nor does helping to restore the economic vitality of our nation matter to them. What are they about and how can they see themselves as decent and honorable? There is no scenario where they are to be admired so what is it that they are about? I will not try to search the archives of my own mind to try to rationalize them because it would be a fools errand and I am no fool. Yet there has to be a break in the dam of ignorance as it pertains to republican voters.
     Despite the intransigence of the republican voter in Georgia to understand their illogical conclusions, we democrats and like minded independents must exercise our right to vote no matter the difficulty. When we all vote we have a shot at defeating the republican obstruction to a better society. The future of our nation is on the line here and there can be no acceptable excuse to not voting in this runoff election. Two weeks to go before we know the shape of our democracy. Will it be a floundering one with republicans blocking legislation in the senate or will it be a prosperous one where majority democrats in the House and Senate pass legislation that improves our lives while safeguarding our democracy.

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