Monday, December 21, 2020

15 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4342)

      As we can clearly see now that a deal has been reached for somewhat Covid-19 stimulus relief, the difference between what the republicans accepted and what we democrats offered was less than 3 times the amount of help we democrats tried to get passed back in May with the Heroes Act. Instead the Heroes Act sat at republican mcconnell's desk gathering dust. This is why we need to win these two senate seats in Georgia. If we want timely legislation aimed at helping the majority of our nation then vote for both democrats so that we can become the majority in the senate. It isn't just about the stimulus either. There are other legislative solutions that can be achieved with a democratic led senate.
     The improvement of health care. The beginning of infrastructure repair and replacement. A green jobs revolution as to creating a million or more jobs upgrading to Earth friendly policies. We do want to save our planet from the climate change crisis don't we? As well as raising the minimum wage. Increasing opportunity for college for all Americans. Unburdening students from onerous student loans. Creating an immigration plan that outlines the best of who we Americans are. I cannot list all the areas in our society that need attention that republicans have purposely avoided. So voting for both democrats over the next 15 days will get us back to solving problems instead of ignoring them.
     I cannot say in mere words just how important it is that all democrats come out to vote for these two democratic senate candidates. There is nothing on the planet more important, nothing! Georgia we, the rest of our nation, need your help and the only one who can help us is you. There is plenty of time left to make a plan and either return your mail in ballot or get to an early polling place to cast a ballot. If those two options don't work for you then do all you can to get to your regular polling place on election day and vote for both of these democrats. It is an imperative and if it becomes a reality, Georgians will have forever risen to the top of what it is to be a caring noble American.

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