Tuesday, December 29, 2020

7 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4350)

     7 days left to make sure that Joe Biden has a clear path toward implementing his policies without republican obstruction. We already know that Joe will have built into his policies compromises for republicans to welcome but if we don't retake the senate none of that will matter. I am of two minds of Joe being so accommodating toward republicans especially since they have not been accommodating to we democrats when they have had sweeping power. It is like playing nice with a bully when you have the ability to end the bullying ways. We democrats are a little bit too nice to people who intentionally hurt us and that must stop! On the other hand we are all in this together so being conciliatory is a human response.
     My best inkling toward which side to embrace is to be less accommodating to those who least appreciate it and more accommodating to those who returned us to power. To the victor goes the spoils is a well worn axiom. Yet being benevolent to some degree is an intelligent leadership position. We are all in this together is a fact but not as to how to go forward. There are too many who would have destroyed our democracy to get their way so their input into how we proceed as a nation, to me, is irrelevant. Those of us who follow the pursuit of happiness egalitarian form of society don't need to abdicate any redefining to those who would have taken our democracy away.
     So our agenda as democrats is highlighted in our party platform, https://www.demconvention.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/2020-07-31-Democratic-Party-Platform-For-Distribution.pdf Making our platform come to life is our goal despite and wailing from those who are now out of power and indifferent to the many of us is moot. So my advice to Joe when we win these 2 Georgia US Senate seats is to move forward with a clear mind and heart toward completing our party platform promises as that is the correct path forward. The republican party will have it's chance to critique our methods and progress come the next election but for now a majority of our nation is ready to follow the blueprint of our democratic national committee platform and make as much of it a reality as possible over the next 2 years.

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