Sunday, December 27, 2020

9 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4348)

      We are getting to it folks. There is little time left to make sure you have voted in the Georgia runoff elections. Now more than ever Georgians should be able to see the difference in the parties approach to the working middle poor class. We democrats want to help our citizenry while the republicans are seriously trying to hurt our citizenry. These two senate seats should not even be close in the vote total if Georgians would vote for what is in their own and our nation's best interest. The outright disdain the republican party is showing the world is not an illusion, it is real and hurting desperate parents and children. The audacity it takes to watch tens of millions of Americans begging for food and shelter is beyond any normalcy!
     I an appalled at what has become of the republican party and at the voters who keep it alive. What type of person is so uncaring for the suffering being inflicted on others by republican politicians? Why would anyone vote for a republican party that has nothing but bad intent for our citizenry? The shame I feel over the makeup of our morality and ethics here in America is reaching new depths. I used to think that when given the facts of things people would do the correct thing most every time. But that isn't what I think anymore. What I think is that too many people hate people who are not like themselves. They have foregone the ideal of the melting pot concept that built our nation.
     The false narrative that we are a white christian nation is at the heart of the hate and if anyone can logically tell me why too many of us follow that false dichotomy I would be shocked. Because there is no logic to it. It is just pure hatred of others manifested as an acceptable behavior. I don't see how this ends well for many of us and instead I see how it ends badly for most of us. The crushing effect of republicans letting our economy and, by extension, our society self destruct is perhaps enough to make republican voters in Georgia back away from the republican party and give their assent to we democrats who are ready and able to salvage what is left of America and put her back together again.