Thursday, December 31, 2020

5 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4352)

      The early voting has concluded in Fulton county on Wednesday, the largest and most heavily democratic county in the state. For almost all the rest of the counties in Georgia early voting ends this Thursday evening. That still leaves ballots from mail in voting still to be filled out, sent, and counted as well as the final day of voting on January 5th. Yesterday marked the beginning of the end of early voting for these two crucial senate seats so if you haven't voted yet there is still time today in most all other counties excepting Fulton, Henry, Pickens, and Upson counties. Plus election day on this coming Tuesday.
     Over 2.5 million have already cast ballots shattering the old record for a runoff election but not as large of an early turnout as the just concluded general election. Still though the turnout is remarkable and gives democrats hope since many democratic leaning counties are turning out in large numbers. The black vote has also been turning out in larger percentages than in the general election from last month so far. But turnout is going to be the key to capturing these two senate seats. So today needs to be a large turnout for all the counties still early voting today. The mail in ballots have been returned at a rate of over 60% so far and that number needs to continue to climb.
     Overall the chances are still looking good for a democratic sweep of these seats but no rest for anyone until after the very last second of voting. Our enthusiasm is high on the democratic side and hopefully that will translate into a massive voting output. This is it folks, the last hope of saving a good progressive future is riding on what happens in the next 5 days so do all you can to help make this runoff election a masterpiece stroke of good fortune for all Americans, even those who are working against it will benefit. We have to carry this load all the way through the finish line and then take a few more strides to be sure. Leave no doubt as to your intentions if you are a voter in Georgia who has not yet voted. Do not get caught being on the outside looking in when all you have to do is make the effort to vote.

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