Wednesday, December 9, 2020

27 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4330)

      The voting has begun in the Georgia US Senate runoffs. Of the approximately 7.6 million eligible voters a small fraction, 71,586 has been recorded as of this morning. A little over 1.1 million mail in ballots were requested which is about 14.5 percent of the total eligible. In the just completed general election just under 5 million votes were cast. If that trend of the general election stays approximately the same these two races will be much too close to call. If the number is going to be less than the nearly 5 million votes cast in the general election then the call might be easier to call for republicans. Given the political climate remained unchanged from last month.
     But we know the political climate has changed since trump is not conceding and instead is making outlandish claims to victory. As it affects these two senate runoff elections, both republicans have not declared that trump lost. Which makes this race a bit uncomfortable for them. They are two who do not abide by the ethics of our time in a wholesome fashion. They both are shady on insider trading and now won't even admit that the voters of Georgia have decided presidential race. If anything they are creating their own resistance to a smooth flow at a chance for winning. They so are afraid of crossing trump that they are jeopardizing own inside track to win.
     Which should tell voters all they need to know about the character of both of these republicans. They stand for themselves and not the voters of Georgia. We shall see the result of their tightrope walk come 27 days. Meanwhile we democrats have got to focus on our message of immediate help for the economy with jobs, health care, criminal justice reform, as well as the stimulus needed to kickstart our economy back into some form of recovery. The trump induced plague of Covid-19 must be subdued and that is what will happen when we win these two senate races in Georgia.

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