Sunday, December 20, 2020

16 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4341)

      I am hoping that the total early votes cast will be closer to the total votes cast last month in the presidential election. Nearly 5 million votes were cast in Georgia last month and right now there are over 1.3 million early votes cast so far in these senate runoffs. The holiday season may interfere with a consistent voting procession so unless there are some heavy voting days ahead before the early voting session ends we are not likely to reach that threshold of nearly 5 million. I am still hopeful that Georgians will see their duty to vote in these runoff elections as greater than any festivities that may interfere.
     I personally do not hold to the holidays as some ritual because I am not from the make believe or myth crowd. Yet I know how important the symbolism of it all is to many others. So for me every day on this planet is special and exciting without the banter of seasonal mores. Hopefully those who are of a different mindset on traditions than I can as well be of the same mindset as I with regard to voting for our government and it's manifest destiny. Our democracy does not take a day off nor does it relax to some form of comfort. It is vibrant and tense in every counted moment so the duty we have to it does not accept excuses nor indifference toward it.
     By my figuring there are about 14 days left of early voting either by mail or in person. So all of us must make the effort to spend what little time is required to vote in order for our democracy to have it's best outcome. I have said this many times over the course of my life and it is this, our duty to vote is our greatest ally in how we can perceive our future and the future of our species. The uniqueness of our society here in America is that despite the antiquated electoral college, we have a system of government that is both alive and evolving. Our beloved constitution is our source for maintaining and growing our opportunities for living and pursuing happiness as our enlightenment dictates. Let us make sure to keep it's honor high within our lives and vote as is our right.

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