Friday, January 1, 2021

4 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4353)

      Well all the early in person voting is done for the Georgia US Senate runoffs. Now it is just collecting eligible vote by mail ballots and January 5th election day. More than 2.8 million voters have already cast ballots which is 36.4% of eligible voters in Georgia. That percentage will increase a bit with the last numbers for early voting released later today. A good start by all accounts. I had hoped that we would match the early voting totals from the just completed general election but that was about 4 million. Still though the enthusiasm from our democratic voters is palpable so if there is a drop off of any significance it will likely be among republican voters.
     Yet on the actual election day this coming Tuesday the consensus is that republicans will have more voters engaged to vote than we democrats. How much more is going to decide who wins these elections. My heart and soul are with our side on this and that does count for something as logic and historical pattern may be with republicans. With all the bad karma and negative vibes swirling around the republican effort to deny stimulus cash you would think that the turnout for republicans would be subdued. Yes, even republican voters need help right now and how they could be enthusiastic about voting for republicans right now is difficult to conclude.
     Yet this is the current era we are living in and nothing about doing the correct thing is easy even though it well should be. Our whole nation is counting on the wisdom of the Georgia runoff voter to turn key senate races into a mandate for Joe Biden to be able to effectively improve the lives of all of us without the cruel and dastardly efforts of moscow mitch mcconnell thwarting them for his own pleasure. I am hopeful that the tide of ignorant allegiance and fealty to a republican party that cannot deliver for most Americans will be put down along with their rhetoric of divisiveness and hate. An awakening is needed in America and if these last elections have shown us anything, an awakening is about to become reality.

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