Saturday, January 16, 2021

4 days left of trump (#4368)

      So, after the 2020 election we democrats won the presidency and control of the senate. It was close on election night but after counting all the votes Joe Biden and Kamala Harris had over 7 million more votes than trump while winning the electoral college by a margin of 306 to 232. The senate was much closer a victory and wasn't decided until a special runoff election in Georgia on January 5, 2021 and that wasn't clear until well into the next morning on January 6th. All told we democrats held the house, gained the senate and presidency. A full sweep although the margins in congress are tight. This is where we are today although Georgia is still verifying the vote totals for our senate gains in Georgia and won't be ready for certification for another day or so.
     So for the next 4 days trump is still the appointed president. The senate likely will still be in republican control for at least 4 days, probably 6 days. All this to say is that the time for the republican era of trump is coming to an end very soon. Then we democrats will have our opportunity to reverse most every executive order trump has issued over the last 4 years. We can legislate policies in a friendlier environment that portend tremendous help for our working middle poor class. Yes, even the wealthy will benefit from we the vast majority of Americans able to do better in our lives. Our increased participation in the economy will spell bonanzas for the wealthy because they have greater opportunities to capitalize off of our increased demand for goods and services.
     A normalizing effect that will come from competent leadership and care is about to become an era of unity and prosperity. It will take a bit of time and in that bit of time window dispensing with the Covid-19 threat and adjudicating the criminality of the trump era will help us focus on the cause and effect of the last 4 years. Yet segueing from that relatively short window of time to a new ambitious modernization and green friendly economy will quickly follow. Rebuilding and replacing our nations infrastructure will help galvanize our citizenry while continuing to reach out to the stars will fuel our imaginations.

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