Saturday, January 30, 2021

Legislative reconciliation it is (#4382)

      The honeymoon is over. The Biden administration gave republicans the olive branch of regular order and republicans only threw it on the ground and spit on it. Well there you go. So with our majorities we have a way to get legislation through without any input and ultimate obstruction from republicans in either chamber of Congress. Legislative reconciliation is the method of passing budget related items with a simple majority but it can only be used sparingly, how sparingly is still unknown by me but it is at least available for the Covid-19 relief package. The crying from republicans notwithstanding, legislation will be getting to the floors of Congress for votes very soon.
     What is possible is for republicans to also vote for the American rescue plan when it does come up for a vote. They are not limited to just voting no on it. Especially since their constituents are in real need of help as well. The idea that we have to hold ourselves hostage to republican approval is insane especially since republicans are irresponsible and wholeheartedly against the working middle poor class. We don't hold ourselves hostage to anyone anymore even though in the past the olive branch offered was similarly dismissed. The hardening of our hearts when it comes to republicans is the best solution to making them get out of the way or change.
     We democrats are a powerful force that is not to be undone by republican threats. they have shown their lack of authenticity so no threat they make is of any worry. What will happen going forward is a slew of democratic policies that will start to level the playing field between all Americans and begin to relieve the wealthy of their built in privileges and advantages. Equity is a strong principle to abide by and we democrats are determined with a laser focus to making equity applicable to all paradigms in American society. The dawning of a new day is here and nothing but sunshine is forecast in our future but we have to seize it if we are to enjoy its effect!

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