Saturday, January 23, 2021

The test of wills (#4375)

      We will see who passes the test of wills in the senate. The republicans are not allowing the democrats to take their rightful place as committee heads in hopes of blackmailing democrats into giving up tools they now hold as the majority party in the senate. I have tried to find a link as to how the scenarios of this play out and have yet to learn of one. I don't like guessing as to how procedure is to play out so I won't do that here but it seems that the status quo is not changing. I hope that I am wrong because I can see how moscow mitch would let this go on indefinitely if he could.
     The changing of the guard at the helm of the senate committees is crucial in how we democrats can pass legislation if the filibuster is to be removed. We know that mcconnell knows this which is why he wanted the filibuster to remain and now is halting the power structure of the senate to form. Yet by his organizational obstruction, he is proving to be the best example to those democrats, who are hesitant to remove the filibuster, as to why they should actually remove it. The obstruction that will come from mcconnell is not some aberrational thought, it has been his modus operandi, metaphorically, since before time began!
     So the test of wills here is going to be paramount as to who blinks first. If mcconnell does not allow for democrats to take their chairmanships it will be on him and his party when no legislation is allowed to move along. He is the one who is in the wrong and this time around no one but him and his republican colleagues will be found to blame. How far he is willing to take this pile of crap he is loading over the top of his head is unsure but the crap will keep getting more voluminous with each passing day. I hope and expect that senate leader Schumer will hold steady and rightfully call out republicans in the senate for not upholding the values of our elections and our constitutional practices that govern them.

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