Monday, January 11, 2021

9 days left of trump (#4363)

      The nuclear codes are being kept from trump and that is a good safeguard considering his erratic nature. What he can do to us now over the last 9 days of his appointed presidency has been greatly reduced after his coup attempt on January 6th. Having to be somewhat happy about what he can't do to us should explain to all why we despise and are disgusted by him. He does nothing to help us nor does he care to. The only thing he cares about is staying in power because he thinks that he is a chosen one without any of the religious cause or need.
     He is a dictator at heart and that is his goal. But in 9 days his fantasy will end and he will learn then that there is a price to pay for his deathly delusional actions. Like I said yesterday, if he doesn't resign and then let pence pardon him for federal crimes he has no other way of avoiding federal charges. He cannot pardon himself and will be shown that by the supreme court when they are called in to question the validity of him doing so. Which is what I hope he does because then he will be subject to all the criminal code with no other defense other than his imagination.
     He, trump, has been given so many opportunities to protect himself from his deathly behavior and still he does not take it. For that I can withstand him being in power for 9 more days because it means we will have all options on the table when it comes to his future. I know there are some in the democratic party who think we should forgive and forget but that is enabling behavior. I am tired of being the nice guy to criminals who are not remorseful nor ashamed of their criminal behavior. The rule of law demands in a democratic society that all are subject to the same benefits and penalties. This is no exception and in fact it is more important to get right than any other decision made on criminal behavior. The head of the snake must be treated with a greater duty or responsibility than the parts of the snake that just follow after it.

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