Friday, January 22, 2021

The great battle taking place now is in the senate (#4374)

      The republicans are playing a bad game of chicken. They are refusing to let democrats, who control the senate to take committee chairs. Due to the existing rules of the senate we democrats can't change them until the republicans agree. So what can be done to unjam the logjam that republicans have built? Eliminating the legislative filibuster. Dems should file a bill to end the legislative filibuster and force a vote. I know there are a couple of Dems who don't want to end the legislative filibuster but when faces with obstruction of even organizing the senate by the majority republicans how can they reasonably expect republicans to negotiate in good faith on needed legislation?
     The short answer is that cannot. So despite their opinion to keep the legislative filibuster democrats need to end it as it is a relic of slave owning states to protect their human property. The correct thing to do when there is no hope of unity from mcconnell and his toady republican caucus. So Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, should be able to reconcile that and vote for ending the legislative filibuster. I do believe all other of the 50 total democrats and independents will have no problem moving forward in a senate that decides legislation on a 50 plus one, Vice President Kamala Harris, threshold. The time now for real relief and organized action to combat the virus and bolster the economy of our struggling citizenry, with other long overdue legislation is now!
     These next few days should bring about the solution of ending the legislative filibuster which would then free up the sticking point that republicans have been leaning on to keep the senate in disarray even though they lost the majority in the senate fair and square. We have seen the obstruction of mcconnell over the years so this latest gambit of his is no exception it is the rule of his agenda. We cannot let him have his way as the one forcing the narrative as the minority leader. We democrats are the majority and we fought long and hard to get it so giving it away for the likes of a power hungry mcconnell is not only ridiculous it would be shameful!

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