Sunday, January 10, 2021

10 days left of trump (#4362)

      While the republican party keeps their heads buried in the sand we democrats are trying like crazy to keep trump from killing more in his last 10 days. We have tried to get chicken little pence to declare the 25th Amendment against the out of control wannabe dictator and so far he had said no, then he says maybe, but still no action. His, trumps, cabinet choices have resigned instead of upsetting him regardless of how many deaths their cowardice affords. We democrats are trying to impeach him, again, so that he will lose much more than just being ousted but the republican chickenshit in the senate, mcconnell who has said he won't take up a house passed bill to impeach until after these 10 days are up. He is acting like we all will survive these 10 days without a concern!  
     I will admit here that although reluctantly there are a few republicans who are calling for him to resign, along with every known democrat on the planet, but so far no response from trump. Taking away his multi media platforms like a child put on restriction from contacting his followers has helped but still no response from the angry crybaby trump. We democrats have actually been in contact with the chief general on the staff of chiefs to see what we can do about preventing trump from activating the nuclear codes. This is a real time life ending scenario for many yet the republican party has spent more time trying to wipe their fingerprints off it instead of trying to prevent a major catastrophe!
     With a planned rally at the US Capitol and every state Capitol scheduled for January 17th 2021, the idea that trump will just wither away and do nothing these last 10 days is naive and cowardly. I have long despised the republican party for their bald faced lying and suppression of democratic values but this right here, the inaction on their created monster is the where the line is drawn. I have no doubt that all 50 states and DC will be prepared for insurrection and as long as trump is still in power the worst of it won't be prevented. Everything that goes wrong in our nation over the next few months is on the heads of the republican party but you would have to dig a hole deeper than where their heads are now if you were to put it one them!

1 comment:

mothernatureearthmom said...

I don't pray, but if I did I would be praying hard for our country right now.