Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Senate organizing obstruction by mcconnell is over (#4378)

      Last evening the obstruction by mcconnell was ended. He decided that he needed to stop obstructing on how the senate was to organize without giving a statement as to why. Which is fine with the rest of us as long as he stopped being an obstacle to progress. I however will venture a reason why. He knew his effort to stall our senate from performing it's constitutional duty was about to end anyway and as I have been saying here the last few days, the more he obstructed the more we united. If we had to go a few more days with his tedious obstruction it may well have encouraged our more moderate members to back ending the legislative filibuster which is what he was trying to prevent with his stunt.
     That didn't end well for a guy who has all this mystique about being a wise man when it comes to manipulating democrats into giving him things for free. Instead he hardened our democratic resolve into knowing just how far republicans will go to obstruct the agenda for we Americans during a time of national emergency on several fronts. This one little failed stunt has now set the tone for the rest of Joe Biden's administration when dealing with republicans over important issues. I assume Joe already knew this but needed the republican party to show the rest of us just how depraved they are to wanting power and not wanting to help the American electorate.
     Mission accomplished and Joe and Kamala have only been in power for 6 days. Going forward the rest of Joe's cabinet will get their confirmations and the legislation that is itching to get voted on in both houses is now ready to begin. The Impeachment trial will also begin in about 2 weeks giving us democrats plenty of time to get settled and moving forward with our agenda. This last little gambit by mcconnell is over and now nothing is standing in our way to fight the challenges that face us with a toolbox of solutions at our ready. If our more moderate democratic members needed an example of how low republicans will go to thwart the will of the American people, mcconnell just satisfied their need for justification needed to tackle the legislative filibuster in whatever form appropriate.

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