Saturday, January 9, 2021

11 days left until trump is history (#4361)

      Impeachment proceedings, the 25th Amendment disqualifying constitutional provision, and an outright plea from many political quarters for trump to resign are all leading the national news as necessary. One of them may succeed or somehow trump could expire. All possibilities, some greater than others in getting him out of office immediately. The threat of impeachment has the best chance because if he is impeached he will be unable to run for national elected office again while losing his presidential retirement benefits. He may deem it wiser to get out now so that he can try to get back in over the next 4 years. Plus he could have pence pardon him before his appointed term ends.
     The other options don't appear as likely as pence has so far refused to say he will sign a letter stating trump is unfit for office as per required by the 25th Amendment. As for his own party, along with most every democrat and independent, turning on him en masse and forcing him to resign seems less likely as well. I don't expect the last option of him just keeling over from some deathly physical malady to happen either but one does never know. So the impeachment option may well be the best option as of now. If it does have the effect of forcing him to resign then all will be easier for him going forward as he is due to leave office in 11 days anyway. Saving his own skin has always been his credo so this option will serve him best.
     If he does choose to avoid impeachment it will likely occur within the next 48 hours. Proceedings will begin in the House on Monday sometime so his window of opportunity to avoid that is definite. His naked ambition to keep power at all costs is the only wild card here and he may well choose instead one more blackmailing threat aimed at us with a cost of unimaginable consequence. I would hope that avenues to him causing catastrophic disaster have been imagined and defended against but this is trump and his gambits are, if anything, outside the box. He is running out of advisors and his chances for pulling off some late stage miracle is becoming increasingly clear to the rest of us as impossible. If he doesn't take the resignation route now then we all will most likely be going down with the ship with the crazy man trump at the helm.

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