Sunday, January 24, 2021

The republican party is what it is (#4376)

      I know that Joe Biden is hopeful that republicans will come back to being at least moderate in their acknowledgement of our current reality and the booting of trump out of our politics. But let me say here that a raging alcoholic is not going to stop drinking because he is broke or has lost all of his soul. No, he will find a way to get some hooch whether he has to lie, cheat, or steal. The same can be said about republicanism. They will not change with the seasons nor the evolution of reality. It is in their DNA to protect the wealthy and squeeze the working middle poor class of it's last coin. There will be no unity as to economics and I suspect social progress as well.
     So what must happen is to let them join in where they are so inclined but to make our own legislation and then pass it into law. There are paths we can do this by and our focus is to conform to those pathways with a laser focus. We will hear the howls and complaints from the minority but that is what the minority does when they are not the majority so nothing new there. Like taking a belligerent alcoholic and putting him into a dry program where he can get used to a new reality of not drinking booze, republicans must as well be put into a place where they are not allowed to be part of obstructing common sense and needed solutions. Their input as a method to destroy legislation is much like an alcoholic wanting the key to the liquor cabinet, it cannot be allowed!
     So using budget reconciliation and or a varying filibuster or destroying the filibuster altogether, the options we democrats have are still available and will be needed to move forward. These are not hard choices to make when the problems of our nation are the greater need. As for the unity Joe Biden wants he won't get it from a petulant republican party that has never been able to pull itself from the worst of what it has become. Like the alcoholic, they will not change until we force them to and then too much of the time they refuse. We who are the sober party are aware of the problems of state and we alone in this moment are the only ones who are willing to try to solve them.

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