Friday, January 8, 2021

12 days of hell left of trump (#4360)

      There are 12 left before Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are inaugurated to the presidency/vice presidency of our nation. Yet as short a time as that seems it will be hard for many of us to live through it. We are unable to relax and enjoy the transition of power because trump does not want to leave the presidency that he was appointed to. He lost the popular vote in 2016 by nearly 3 million votes and this time in 2020 lost by more than 7 million votes but he cannot accept that having less votes and less electoral college votes in 2020 is possible. He screams that there is fraud but none is exposed. He beats the drum of incitement to riot because he cannot prove his claims of fraud.
     His mental imbalance in this moment is clear to many of us but still the powers within his own party are still cowed by his glare. The cowardice of the republican party is even more evident as of yesterday as many of his cabinet members are retiring instead of voting to commit him as unfit. Their own personal benefits are more important to them than any duty they swore to uphold to our constitution. What I have seen over and over again with republican politicians is that swearing an oath is not a promise to them to hold dear, instead it is just an inconvenience to be ignored once they are in power.
     The anxiety that is felt by many until trump is gone is thick and real. There is no salve for it either as the cowardly republican party will not come together with we democrats to remove trump before he spirals further into a scary hellscape while dragging all the rest of us down with him. I expect this of trump because he has never had a life that is well within the bounds of normalcy. But the republican party is showing itself to also having no boundaries to honor nor noble intent as they keep finding ways to enable his craven diseased mind. The republican party will be end of us over these last dozen days or we will survive and if so should make our goal in life to end all republican control over our sacred democracy!

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