Saturday, January 2, 2021

3 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4354)

      It is official, as of yesterday more than 3 million have voted already in the early voting with about 400 thousand possible mail in ballots yet to be returned. 3.6 million voted in the just concluded general election so although we are not at that level we are not showing signs of much disinterest either. I could say that the difference in the totals from the general election to now is skeptical republicans who have decided to sit this one out. Now that would be the best case scenario for we democrats but just as likely both parties have some disinterested voters not voting. So with the final day of voting on January 5th rapidly approaching, all stops to get out all our voters is in play.
     Jon Ossoff, one of our democratic candidates, has hired a couple of thousand young voters to search their counties for any who could be available to vote and has not yet done so. The margins in these runoffs have all been prognosticated as being too close to call so each and every vote may well matter in the final total to determine the winners. The stakes here in Georgia are critical to our democracy. Joe Biden won the popular vote by more than 7 million votes so his mandate is quite clear. But legislatively, if we don't win control of the senate that mandate will become moot as to enacting purposeful and needed legislation. We have to win these two Georgia runoff elections to ensure a more harmonious life for all of us.
     So if you can donate to the democratic candidates now then please do so. The momentum is on our side but sustaining that momentum is the need to finance ventures such as the hiring of the 2 thousand activists to get out the vote in the 159 Georgia counties. We cannot leave this race to indifference. We have to fight with all we can fight with to bolster just another vote from someone who wouldn't normally have bothered to vote. This always brings me back to the carrot and stick concept as it relates to voting. Make all eligible voters a deal. If they vote they get some tax benefit or subsidy of no inconsequential amount or if they don't they are hit with some type of monetary penalty that would be a more than just a nuisance.

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