Friday, January 29, 2021

Our blue wave is still needed to keep ending republican rule (#4381)

     As you have no doubt been made aware of the republican party is still showing it's vile agenda of ending democratic rule. The difference in how we are trying to end their rule is that we democrats are doing it within the bounds of political and legal means. The republicans have no such constraint. So unless our nation is going to keep a rule of law approach we must end the republican attempts to crush democracy. As we have seen with senate and house republicans still unable to end their abusive relationship with trump, the concept of a unified Congress is not currently possible.
     Surely, attempts are still being made to bring republicans into the process of providing legislation to deal with Covid-19 related needs but so far little effort from republicans to join in is the reality. What the Georgia senate runoff election did for us democrats though is give us control of the senate while along with control of the house we have ways forward to pass legislation without any republican input. Although when we do put our bills up for vote on the floors of the house and senate, republicans will vote for them which tells us that they are not as unwilling to accept the legislation that they are trying to complain about. Their constant hypocrisy is indicative of their unnecessary need to be in power.
     I have regained my strength from the longest 4 year battle to end the trump and mcconnell regime which is good because the fight is not over. The republican party is going to throw everything onto the road to prevent our march forward so the sooner we get to sweeping them and their idiocy away the sooner we will be able to march forward into a future that is expected from the greatest nation on Earth. Our best interests are achieved when we activate ourselves against our mutual enemies and in all the world our greatest enemy right now is the republican party and those within it who have sold their souls to defeat our great democracy.

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