Wednesday, November 18, 2020

48 days until the Georgia US senate runoffs (#4309)

      The rot and pettiness of the republican party is on full display now that the election is over. We are finding that the frivolous lawsuits being filed against the election outcome by trump are nothing but a smokescreen to try to justify their inability to admit defeat. Not only that but the way some high ranking republicans have gone about trying to throw out valid votes cast by democrats is likely criminal. Yet as we know there is no one at the moment to hold them accountable while they remain in power during this, what is supposed to be a transition period. However in 63 days we will have a transition regardless of how stubbornly inappropriate republicans are making it.
     Then we will serve justice to those who have flaunted laws for their own purposes as a new administration that will not tolerate selfishness will begin. Begin it will as there is nothing the outgoing hot mess of hatred and thievery can do to stop our democratic process. The thrashing about in the throes of fear are all the trumps have left to do. What they can do for the good of our nation is to disappear from view and make their peace with their eventual judgement. Yet that is not what they will do and instead they are letting their arrogant privilege guide them at all costs. Without being reinstalled as president, trump has some serious allegations to defend himself against now and the thought of that must keep him awake at night.
     I cannot tell you his exit strategy but it won't be an honorable one. That time has come and gone since his first days in office when he began his march to a lifetime presidential appointment. But instead our democracy won out and for all his bluster and bombastic rhetoric he will be regarded as nothing more than a petulant wanna be tyrant who even failed at being that. He has not yet been uninstalled out of our lives but we did complete the process to begin his departure. For that a great weight has been lifted from our shoulders and our minds rest easier at night because of it. When he is officially gone the gasp of fresh air from me and the rest of us will symbolize a victory truly earned.

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