Tuesday, November 17, 2020

49 days until the Georgia US senate runoff elections (#4308)

      There isn't much to say about the Georgia runoff elections except that they are a work in progress. 49 days until the actual election though leaves plenty of time for our forces on the ground to get those 23,000 or so newly eligible voters registered for the runoff election. Plus get our regular and irregular voters ready with their plans for voting. The deadline to register for the January 5th runoff election is December 7th. The mail in option is available for this runoff election so there are some steps to take to make sure those who can will have a mail in ballot and those who are not sure or know they have not applied yet can access the Georgia Secretary of State website to either sign up for mail in voting or register and then sign up for mail in ballots. Keep track of your ballot option is also available. Here are several helpful links:
     The links for donating will be added here as well. Each of us must do what we can to help our democratic party win these seats and that means leaving nothing left to feel guilty about not doing. Like I said yesterday, unless specifically asked to participate in Georgia to help with the registrations, walk in voting, or mail in voting the best we can do is support our friends in Georgia both monetarily and with helpful suggestions where applicable. Here are some donating links:
     https://newgeorgiaproject.org/  Associated with Stacy Abrams.
     I hope this link today is helpful to all who are concerned and directly involved in the Georgia runoff elections. Good luck to us all who want a US Senate that is lead by a democratic leader.

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