Wednesday, November 25, 2020

41 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4316)

     An opportunity for an even more competitive Georgia senate runoff is brewing. Not for republicans as they are the ones who are infighting over the fate of trump. Since Georgia went blue as of this election the republican party has been blaming the republican leadership in the state. The republican party controls Georgia and for it to go blue has caused much consternation among the republican party. They cannot fathom that the republican leaders in Georgia were not able to restrict voting and or obstruct in every other way to make sure that republicans somehow had the most votes.
     It is clear that national republicans are pissed at Georgia state republicans for not cheating enough to win. So a schism has occurred with national republicans calling on voters loyal to trump in Georgia to not vote for the 2 republican senate candidates. As some back handed way at punishing Georgia state republican representatives. I am not sure about their logic but then again, it is the republican party so logic doesn't need to be the outline. But what it does is give we democrats more opportunities to win both senate races while republicans are infighting with each other over trump. For me it is a sweet occurrence because anything that helps us democrats get back the senate majority is welcome.
     I could care less about how the republican party goes about it's evolution going forward but as long as they are in chaos for now I am well pleased. Joe Biden needs a friendly senate and house in order to push his agenda through and start to build our economy while defeating Covid-19. As well as making campaign finance laws more equitable to a egalitarian process for one person one vote. The list of things that need to be done and their high priority is long and on the line in Georgia so we need all the help and luck we can get so that the future of our nation is the destiny we want for our better angels.

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