Friday, November 27, 2020

39 days until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4318)

      Nothing now to distract us from the hard work of turning those 2 Georgia US Senate seats blue. The eyes of our whole nation is on Georgia and that is a good thing. What is true here is that we democrats are solidly behind our candidates of Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. Two good men who know how to do their jobs and help the American working middle poor class. I know I am so tired of republicans getting elected and doing nothing for the American people. It has been happening for several decades now and must come to an end! We democrats and like minded independents have to come out and vote in force so as to leave no doubt as to the destiny of our comprehensive national heritage's revitalization.
     The republican party has vowed to obstruct any substantive plans Joe Biden and Kamala Harris wish to promote in order to uplift the working middle poor class so we cannot let republicans keep the majority in the Senate. Most of you know how this works already but here is a synopsis of how this should play out: When we democrats win these 2 Georgia US Senate seats we will have a tie in the Senate with Republicans. The republican party already has 50 seats in their senate caucus and we currently have 48. So when we democrats win these 2 seats in Georgia we will also have 50 seats in our senate caucus, since there are currently 100 senate seats in total. With a tie, the leader of the senate is controlled by the party of the incoming president, who is a democrat. Vice president Kamala Harris would then be the tie breaking vote.
     So in 39 days we will begin to know if we democrats have done enough in Georgia to reach 50 senate seats thus becoming the majority leaders in the senate. There is nothing more important now than these 2 Georgia seats. I wish we had done better in the senate during the election but we didn't and now we have a real chance to rectify that with a resounding and deafening turnout for our 2 great candidates for senate in the newly minted blue state of Georgia. Let us get this done and then the best of who we are as Americans will be able to show itself without obstruction from republicans at every turn!

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