Monday, November 16, 2020

New countdown, 50 days until the Georgia US senate runoff elections (#4307)

      I am bone weary but it seems that just getting to our general election wasn't enough to let us rest from our task. These Georgia runoff elections won't be until January 5th 2021 so we all must keep our minds set to doing what we can to help out with a double victory for us democrats. Because of Covid-19 it is suggested that our activists do not flood the state of Georgia looking to help on the ground in registering voters or making sure registered voters show up to vote. There are about 23,000 coming of age newly eligible voters who could not vote in the November 3rd 2020 Georgia presidential election but will be eligible to vote in the January 5th 2021 runoff election. Getting those young folks registered and primed to vote will be one strategy to employ.
     However there are enough human democratic forces on the ground to handle the logistics in order to get us a victory there but monetary resources are needed. That is where our national democratic concern can really play a part in giving us the best chance to turn both those republican senate seats blue. Stacy Abrams is there coordinating with the democratic forces nationally to best utilize whatever advantages we have. So being patient and letting those who know direct all of us would be in our best interest. I have given and will continue to give what little financial help I can because there can be no question as to how important it is for us democrats to control the agenda in the senate for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
     We democrats have the House and the Presidency so controlling the agenda of the senate will give us a chance to bring legislation forward that will serve the majority of Americans who voted for change from trump and republican control. Getting control of the senate would also allow us to fill judgeships with objective jurists who put our constitution first before any other consideration. Which is the point of us having a constitution by which to be governed. So much is at stake still that even though my bones ache and my mind is sore from the lack of our nation's intellectual prowess we must soldier on as to victory if we are to become the nation that the majority of us and the world expect us to be.

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