Thursday, November 12, 2020

The Covid-19 dilemma (#4303)

      With trump still running our government for the next 69 days the fact that he has given up on abating the virus leaves us Americans in a very dark place. Without a national plan to not only make personal protective gear available widely against Covid infections, but to ameliorate it's spread, the death and sickness rates we are now experiencing will continue to get worse. All because trump has other more important things to do that are not related to protecting our nation from all kinds of threats. I fear that the viral spread will continue to expand while we Americans are forced to keep our economy moving because the republicans do not want to pass stimulus help to allow us to shelter for a while so that we can get a hold of the virus and contact trace where it has grown most.
     So what we are left with is the republican control in the senate stalling any help to we Americans to keep ourselves safe in the face of the republican inability to accept the seriousness of the deadly Covid-19 attack. The republican party is responsible for all of this and their response has been to allow Americans to die as a result. What are we to do except to accept our fate until the Biden administration can be sworn in. Joe can get everything ready to fight against Covid but he can't implement any of it until he is sworn in and in the meantime trump and mcconnell will continue to sacrifice American blood. The fact of this is terrible but it is the reality we are living in.
     For myself I have not given in to any relaxing of Covid protocols to keep myself and those around me safe. In the meantime while we are dying left and right we need to make sure we get every vote possible out of Georgia so to take the leadership of the senate away from the republicans. The importance of that is to be able to pass legislation that actually can start immediately to save lives that otherwise would be lost. Whoever controls the senate controls the agenda so we need those 2 senators from Georgia so as to control the senate for Biden. Georgia is ground zero for our nation and ground zero in our hope to finally control the republican mess of Covid-19.

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