Saturday, November 21, 2020

45 days until the Georgia US Senate runoff (#4312)

      I got nothing for today. But that doesn't mean that I haven't anything to say. It just means that my mind is elsewhere on trivial things that are happening to me personally on a small scale. Like chores I need to address that are occasional and not daily. So as my mind is occupied with that, the things of a more national importance have taken a backseat. Yet as is the daily occurrence in the post election/pre inauguration time of trump we have much the same disaster that keeps getting worse. The Covid-19 spread throughout our nation is on the rise in an alarming way while trump is playing golf today.
     He is still not allowing the transition between his hot mess and the new Biden administration. Which is making matters worse in most every way that can be measured. We know now that trump is deliberately undermining the Biden administration as a petty vindictive spoiled brat would. He is so emotionally crushed as to not having been reelected that he is trying to make America pay for our lack of allegiance to him. What he doesn't get is that he is the one who owes allegiance to us! Again I keep hearing that we democrats have got to cave in to playing nice with our republican captors like in a Stockholm Syndrome sort of reality. I don't see it like that, instead I know we need to play hardball with republicans because unlike we democrats who are experts at knowing the carrot aspect of treatment we are too hesitant to apply the stick when it is obviously needed.
     The deaths now from Covid-19 are on pace to reach 2000 a day, every day, for the foreseeable future and trump has all but ignored any solution other than waiting on a vaccine. I have no sympathy for him nor his enablers in the US Senate and state governorships and legislatures who refuse to address a stimulus package to help we Americans who have been ravaged by Covid-19 due to inept and reckless policies republicans have deployed. I try not to think about the anger I have within me toward them as my own heathy outlook is in jeopardy of becoming diseased with a reverse hatred that will linger far beyond this awful time that is left in the trump era.

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