Tuesday, November 10, 2020

It appears no stimulus deal until after the inauguration (#4301)

      I had hoped that there would be a smartening up with republicans about the real devastation Covid-19 is spreading but I am just being foolish. I hadn't expected them to give in to reality but I sure was hopeful after the election gave we democrats more of an agenda to get things done. But no, mcconnell hasn't changed nor will trump in his desperation aimed at his own troubles. The republican party is about as worthless as ever and yet still too may of our citizenry gave them another chance to screw us over once again. Like groundhog day it seems like too many republican voters are immune to reality.
     Yet we democrats have a chance still to take the senate with elections in Georgia and we need to focus on them for now if a stimulus package continues to be obstructed by republicans. I know we would have a bare minimum advantage when we win those two Georgia senate seats in early January but being the party in charge of the agenda and also able to submit judges for approval is a critical get. If we are able to get a couple of statehoods for DC and Puerto Rico then we can expect a larger democratic pool of democratic senators, thus giving us more leeway to change the legislative filibuster and add seats to the judicial system. Among other things that need immediate attention.
     All of this is going on in the foreground of the trump administration not allowing for the GSA to approve the transfer of power to the Biden administration. I fear that the trumps have a plan whereby they deny the election and hold fast to their idea of them still being in charge beyond January 20, 2021. A coup if there ever was one here in America. I know this much, that if that is what the trumps consider their plan it will be met with something far greater than indifference. The greatest mistake our nation has ever made within our borders less the Civil War was to appoint trump to the presidency in 2016. Now how do we get rid of him after he has been voted out is another problem we will have to resolve.

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