Sunday, November 8, 2020

The national nightmare is finished (#4299)

      There are still 73 days left of trump to endure but yesterday marked the milestone by which our collective psyche rebooted to a more perfect place. The lifting of the millstone from around our necks is complete and nothing going forward will ever have such a traumatic demoralization effect again, at least not in our lifetimes. Four years of oppression is nothing compared to the centuries of oppression the black race has had to suffer so we who are not black have just been given a dose as to why the Black Lives Matter movement is real and powerful. The hard lessons of these last 4 years, that have been taught, has awakened a part of our society that had been indifferently sleep walking through time and space.
     Today when the sun comes out and shines down upon us the feel of it's warmth should be the most welcome refreshing we have had for what seems like a timeless era; those of us who are still able to enjoy it's pleasure. Many are not with us who have been less fortunate in this time of a Covid-19 virus that has been allowed to flourish by an incompetent ego maniacal type grifter. The basking in celebration of his defeat is normal and should be experienced because if we don't at least take a moment to acknowledge our successes, what is the point after all? But a moment is enough and then back to the hard work of replacing our oppression with the opportunities we should all share in.
     If there is one prescient subject we must all imagine it is that we can never allow our democracy to be at risk because we were too callous or ignorant of it's frailties. The guard at the door is us and we must never sleep if we are to protect the treasure of our most perfecting hopes and dreams. That we are alive and have such gifts of mind, body and soul is extraordinary so it stands to reason and logic that we would build a society that honors such gifts and allows for building up of the knowledge and foresight we are so capable of expressing. That will only happen if we are living within a democracy where equality, justice and the pursuit of happiness are equally measured as a starting point for all.

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