Thursday, November 19, 2020

47 days left until the Georgia US senate runoffs (#4310)

      It is beginning to seem like trump will be the determining factor in the outcome of these 2 senate runoff races. For republicans it may not be a good thing. Even some more moderate republicans have to be turned off by the antics of trump to stall and attempt to overthrow our election. They may decide that the republican party is not worth their effort to vote for them in this crucial Georgia election. What Georgia republicans are about to find out is that if there is nothing in it for trump he won't help them get their 2 republican senators elected. That in itself may be enough for we democrats to overcome a republican vote total.
     That trump was already asked and declined to come to Georgia to campaign for the their candidates is a prelude to what they can expect in the very near future as this election day on January 5th 2021 draws near. What all the rest of us have already known for more than 4 years is that trump is all about what he can get out of anything he does. Since he has already lost the presidency what is the incentive for him to campaign for colleagues who would want to move into the senate? Maybe the republican power players in the national party will try to lure trump to Georgia with some hidden bestowal that would move trump to reconsider his initial denial of help?
     I don't know what will happen in these last 47 days but trump does have the ability to rev up his base to come out and vote so these republican senators in Georgia are at risk of losing trump's momentum. If they have to run on their own policies they are in trouble. Which is why they need trump to scare up the most voters for them. The republican party and their allegiance to trump cuts both ways as he is so childlike and filled with tantrums when he doesn't get his way, which is the presidency. He may well sit out this special runoff election while he calculates his own best options for the future. That he lost Georgia is another reason he may not want to come to Georgia where his feelings were hurt. lol.

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