Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The drama of trump (#4302)

      Pennsylvania and Nevada are beyond trump's reach so why is he refusing to concede? Several reasons have been floated like he is trying to remain relevant in any way he can by being an obstructionist and also so he can build up his resistance for after the Biden inauguration. He seems to think that his future if not in the presidency lies in the media as a voice for his continuing support. He won't be as regulated as to his comments as a private citizen as much as he is now so expect his rhetoric to become much more bellicose and divisive. Surely though he must know that he will be subject to criminal and civil actions once he is out so how that plays into it all is still yet to be determined.
     All I know is that he is an example of petulance and it cannot be a salve for what ails us, instead it can only be an irritant. We will survive him at this point but not in any comfortable way. For that alone he must be made to pay a price as he is so far destroying the norms of our democracy with impunity. That must come to an end as it does not dissuade any future president from following his corrupting lead. There are 70 days left until the inauguration and trump has not yet allowed for the transition from his failed administration to proceed to Joe Biden's administration. The pettiness involved in that is historic!
     Yet despite all that trump may obstruct on he will find himself bare when January 20th rolls around. Joe will be sworn in and there is nothing trump can do to delay that. Once that happens and if trump is still obstructing then the hypothetical scenario where trump's belongings are thrown out onto the White House lawn become reality. We may be behind on getting out ahead of things because of trump and his arrogant stubbornness, but knowing Joe Biden as we do he will quickly get things going in the correct direction. The time of trump is over and as he tosses and turns in his throes of despair he will be gone and that in itself makes for all his foolishness bearable, albeit, totally unnecessary.

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