Sunday, November 22, 2020

44 days left until the Georgia US Senate runoffs (#4313)

      The dwindling presence of trump and his obvious demise is unfolding before our very eyes. His attempts to overturn the will of our people from the results of the past election are failing everywhere he is manipulating a different result. Much like denial, it isn't going to change anything no matter how much he keeps believing that it will. Reality will run it's course and the thrashing and throes of trumps will not change it one wit! I am not a psychologist nor psychiatrist and cannot specifically say what it is that trump is exhibiting but from my daily observations as a human being I can say that his behavior is not within the range of normalcy. 
     It is odd that we are seeing a president of the United States act in a way that is beneath the dignity of the office in such a blatant and chilling manner. My personal embarrassment is deep and introspective. Because he was appointed to the presidency during my lifetime when I thought that nothing like him or his enablers would ever hold public office in our great nation. Yet it has come to pass and is now ending. I will say here again that I don't hold myself responsible for his attainment of our presidency but my generation had much to do with it. Which I take as a personal slap in the face from my peers.
     59 days left of this uncaring person and that will be the result regardless of his inability to rationalize the moment. 44 days left until the special runoff elections in Georgia and if it isn't clear to everyone in the state of Georgia just how important it is to show up and vote for both democrats in the runoff elections then we will have the same problems going forward like if trump had not been defeated. There can be no slack in the attention to making sure that all of the healthy minded souls in Georgia vote for a healthy minded America. We can get many things done over the next 2 years but only if we get every eligible Georgia voter to once again come out and vote for the democratic party.

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