Wednesday, October 25, 2023

(#5379) Ukraine needs a full arsenal of weapons

      We in the west are committed to seeing Ukraine regain its territories from the Russian invaders. As such we in the west cannot shirk or shrink from our duty to help Ukraine push the russian horde out of Ukraine. Whatever it takes short of nuclear war has to be our mantra. We in the west cannot allocate weapons based upon our fears, we have to help Ukraine from the standpoint of making Russia say uncle in Ukraine. The unthinkable is that our western reluctance to give Ukraine what they need to beat Russia is that Russia may win in Ukraine and then the rest of Europe will come under their salivating attention. Especially since we showed less than real strength in Ukraine.
     This gambit of putin's is a bluff and we in the west need not fall for it. The kremlin expected us to help Ukraine unequivocally but we have not done that. Instead we have run our strategy under the umbrella of not offending putin. Well that was not what we should have done. We should have given the proud and noble people of Ukraine what weapons they needed to drive Russia out much earlier when that was still possible. Now the Russians have entrenched and driving them out will take a Herculean effort with loss of life on the Ukrainian side that otherwise would have likely been unnecessary.
     Ukraine needs the fighter jets now and long range missiles to attack Russian bases everywhere they are in Russia. The only thing Russia respects is strength and if we in the west don't get our act together on this then putin will not stop warring for his own ego's pleasure. How many more must die before we in the west stop hesitating and begin to project nothing but power and strength? It had better be soon otherwise Ukraine will fall and Russia will be emboldened to stretch it's boundaries further into central Europe. Make no mistake about this, if Russia is not stopped in Ukraine then the beginning of world war 3 will.

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