Thursday, October 26, 2023

(#5380) This weekend will have 300,000 Russian soldiers dead in Ukraine

      At 297 thousand plus already gone and at the rate Russian soldiers are dying in Ukraine these last few weeks the fact of reaching 300,000 dead Russian soldiers in a few more days is inevitable. The Russian tactic of throwing troops at a stronghold position is still active so as these young Russian men are mowed down the body count keeps getting higher. What I don't get is the young Russian soldiers putting up with being forced into a killing field with no hope of returning from it. Are they so desensitized to living that death is preferable?
     As for the Russian leadership and their disdain for life I can only conclude that their psychosis is permeated throughout their rank indoctrination. It is almost like the Russian leadership and to some extent the Russian troops themselves are automatons, just doing their duty to some absurd calling. I suppose my thought that the Russian people would activate their conscience and stop the madman putin and his kremlin acolytes from murdering innocence on all sides is what they would consider me, absurd. Apparently they see the world through blinders and fetters, not enough vision to know they don't know.
     How this conflict will end is still not a given but the Russian people are the true losers in all of this. The Ukrainian people are also losers since they are at the brunt of the brutal Russian attack but at least the Ukrainians are fighting to preserve their dignity and honor as opposed to the Russians who are fighting for death and destruction. All of this is a sad commentary on the leadership within Russia that has no empathy toward life or limb. If there are 300 thousand dead Russian soldiers by this weekend then assuredly there are more than that wounded. I follow this invasion by Russia very closely because to me it is the tell of whether democracy will triumph in our existence or fall to strongmen who care not for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all.

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