Wednesday, November 1, 2023

(#5386) Russia is all in on their invasion of Ukraine so we in the west should be all in to defend Ukraine

      Make no mistake about it. Russia will not stop fighting in Ukraine even if they are down to sending grandmas into battle. This point is clear now. There is no going back for putin and his kremlin propaganda machine. The Russian people have been brainwashed into believing that Ukraine is a threat to their existence so even the Russian people are against withdrawing from Ukraine if it means giving back Ukraine it's stolen land. So we in the west need to adjust our fortitude and start making military decisions based upon the fact that this is the beginning of the expansion by Russia to eliminate western democracies.
     I know we in the west are set by rules governing appropriate military options but when the threat to world peace is on the threshold of expanding to ensnare the world in a conflict that has no good to it then the rules need to be just guidelines, not hard and fast, in how we approach this putin led Russian threat. We must move our resources into position and come to the aid of Ukraine in ways that are powerful and not to be misunderstood. The might of the west is in our shared defense and even though Ukraine is not an official member of NATO it was still likely to be if not for the murderous invasion by Russia. I know the Russians have threatened the world but up theirs with their threats.
     We in the west are bigger and badder than Russia so Russia trying to tell us what to do is a non starter with me. Instead I would dictate to Russia that the Ukrainian battleground is now the front line in a European conflict that Russia initiated. That we in the west will be defending that front line from the Russian invaders at all costs. Russia understands only one thing, strength, and when we in the west exhibit strength Russia will shrink back into its shell and slither back to its borders. We in the west are the strength in the world and we must never allow ourselves to second guess using our power to thwart and abate attacks on our democracies.

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