Wednesday, November 15, 2023

(#5400) Will you fight to preserve democracy?

      All of my life I have assumed that we Americans, despite our differences, would always rally around the ideal of democracy. Where freedom, liberty, justice, fairness and many other evolved principles for the rights of humans would flourish. A concept so unique in history that most all other nations on Earth are trying to emulate it. Nothing about our self rule is ordinary. It is instead extraordinary in its application. Yet there are forces out there who would destroy our democracy and stop other nations from having it. They are wealthy and greedy souls who would rather they rule all while the rest of us served them at their pleasure.
     Well now I know that not all Americans are behind the idea of democracy. I look at what the republican party has become and am ashamed of them. They used to be stalwart democracy defenders but now it is evident they care less about democracy and more about control. Which puts them into the same category as those who would undermine our democracy for the sake of wealthy control. The republican party has been nothing more than a puppet for the wealthy for several decades now. The concept of we the people is not a motto they are ever heard uttering yet it is the marrow in the bone of American democracy.
     What we will find out over the next year is just how much Americans will care to fight and defend our freedoms under democracy. We are either going to continue to be we the people or we will not. If not then we the people will be serfs to be used by the wealthy with no respect or dignity of our own. If we do fight and defend democracy then the wealthy who are working so hard through their republican proxies will suffer a blow that will deny them future options for overthrowing our democracy and leave them exposed as the scourge they truly are. Not all the wealthy are bad but too many of them are so cleaning up that group of anti democracy influencers will either occur at our next election or the last election we have may be this next one.

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