Tuesday, November 28, 2023

(#5413) Russia's endgame in Ukraine is not looking good

      As another winter is ready to settle in on the demoralized Russian army the prospects of Russia gaining back any of the occupied land they lost over the last year is dismal at best. They keep throwing troops with little armor backing them into the killing fields at Avdiivka and Bakhmut with no results worthy of mentioning. Remember denial is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. As the Russian infantry is being leveled in Ukraine the Russian high command is insistent that they will eventually be successful. Ukraine on the other hand is patient and eager to allow Russia to continue it's wholesale slaughter of its own troop personnel.
     The Russian military command, through the kremlin and putin, are showing the world that brute force is not a winning strategy. Yet brute force is their go to plan. With over 326 thousand dead Russian soldiers on Ukrainian soil it is no less evident that Russia is not a first class military. They are not even the best army in the attempted genocide of Ukraine. So much for fearing the Russian bear. The myth of the metaphorical Russia bear as fearless and strong is being exposed as folly but the Russian high command has no time for reality. They believe that the Ukrainians will eventually tire of killing so many Russians that they will just give up and surrender to the Russian army.
     Let the russians believe what they will. The fact remains that Ukraine is never going to relent to Russia no matter what Russia does and the continuation of the Russian occupation of Ukraine will only end with Russia being ousted out of Ukraine for good. There is no other plan. Russia will be pushed from Ukraine and Ukraine will become a member of the European Union and the NATO alliance. Russia would be well advised to listen to some good advice here. Remove your troops and personnel from Ukraine. Pay war reparations to Ukraine for rebuilding their country's infrastructure that you are still destroying. Then allow the world to try your criminal leaders for their war crimes against humanity. Do it now!

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