Saturday, November 4, 2023

(#5389) Being aware is a formidable endeavor

     Realizing that I have a mind that functions outside the confines of my environment is an absolute gift to have. I do not take it for granted or under appreciate its significance. I have the ability to imagine what could be as well as what should have been. Both are future and past time frames what is harder for me is the present. I live in the present so I don't spend much time trying to understand the tick of every second that is happening in real time. I know I can do better with my present but it is not a natural or easy action for me to take. What I do know though is that I can imagine a better future for myself and others simply by understanding and adapting what has happened in the past.
     I suppose for me the past and future are so tightly snugged up to each other that my present really is almost non existent. Which would help explain why I don't imagine much for my own present. The point of this is that I am a free thinker who is thinking. Some or maybe too many find that thinking is something of a drudgery or too hard to be comprehensive about but I say that is not true. We are human beings who are in essence individual probes. We gather and assimilate information because we are curious. It is a nature of ours to be curious which is the foundation of thinking. In other words we humans are biological data processors who utilize our memory for reasoning, analyzing, and concluding.
     Our lives are not long in the big picture so wasted time on the irrelevant is wasted time not to ever get back. I have done enough of that myself so I know of what I speak. So I must admit that it was a cavalier approach to selfishness. But over the last couple of decades I have reinvigorated my attentions to what matters, a purpose greater than myself. To think about what could be with equality, freedom, and justice to pursue our own no harming happiness. This is what I should have been doing from the moment I first drew breath out of the womb. Yet I like many others lost my way and was extremely lucky to have found my way back. Being aware is a formidable endeavor that all of us should fully embrace.

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